What is ORCID?


ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) is an global, unprofitable organisation with vision of a world where every participant in research, scholarship and innovation is uniquely identified and linked to their contributions across various disciplines, geographical boundaries and time periods by the usage of persistent digital identifier (PID). The purpose of  PID is to differentiate researchers from one another and link the ID with professional details, including affiliations, grants, publications and much more.

ORCID at International Journal of Care Scholars (IJCS)

International Journal of Care Scholars (IJCS) supported the use of ORCID by incorporating it into our submission systems. IJCS required ORCID iDs for all submitting authors as part of our focus on primarily publishing original research. These ORCIS iDs are included in the final article to enhance discoverability and recognition. We strongly encourage co-authors and reviewers to link their ScholarOne accounts with ORCID. Those who do not have an ORCID iD will need to register, which is quick and free process.