Community Nurses' Perception of Factors Influencing Knowledge and Understanding of Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct


  • Nurul Nazurah Julaini PAPRSB Institute of Health Sciences, Universiti Brunei Darussalam
  • Hamidun Sanif Ministry of Health, Brunei Darussalam
  • Yusrita Zolkefli PAPRSB Institute of Health Sciences, Universiti Brunei Darussalam.



Code of Ethics, Professional Conduct, Community, Nurses, Knowledge, Understanding


Background: Nurses play a significant role in health care and have the most direct contact with patients, making them the most likely to encounter ethical questions regularly. Therefore, their knowledge and understanding of the code of ethics and professional conduct are essential. In Brunei Darussalam, these codes were developed in 2010 by the Nursing Board for Brunei, Ministry of Health. However, factors influencing nurses' knowledge and understanding of these codes have not yet been studied.  Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine community nurses' perception of factors influencing knowledge and understanding of the codes. Methods: A qualitative research approach was used as the study design. The data were collected through individual and group semi-structured interviews and analysed using the qualitative thematic analysis method. This study was conducted on community nurses who hold managerial responsibility in four health centres in Brunei. Findings: Three factors were identified to influence Bruneian nurses' knowledge and understanding of the codes. These factors were "a lack of reinforcement", "nurses' attitude", and "work environment". Conclusion: The knowledge of the codes by community nurses is deemed to be adequate. The findings, however, highlight the need for nurses to have an enhanced understanding of the codes.


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How to Cite

Julaini , N. N. ., Sanif , H. ., & Zolkefli, Y. (2021). Community Nurses’ Perception of Factors Influencing Knowledge and Understanding of Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARE SCHOLARS, 4(Supp1), 79–85.




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