Effectiveness Management of Radiation Protection Program: A Short Review


  • Siti Amira Othman Department of Physics and Chemistry, Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia.




Radiation protection program, Risk, Radiation, Safety, Health


An effective radiation protection program requires an effective oversight and feedback mechanism to management. A main objective of the radiation protection program is to decrease radiation doses wherever and whenever reasonably possible, hence lowering the health risk that is thought to be proportionate to the radiation dosage. Justification of operations requiring radiation exposure, as well as the use of minimal radiation exposure simply adequate for diagnostic and interventional procedures, should all be part of a radiation protection policy. National authorities must support the development and implementation of radiological safety and security in organisations that employ radiation sources. Maintaining a high level of competence is critical for the development of future safe ionizing radiation applications. Patients, physicians, and employees across many departments, including radiology, interventional cardiology, and surgery, are concerned about radiation safety. Radiation released during fluoroscopic operations is the source of the highest radiation dosage for healthcare workers. Radiation from diagnostic imaging modalities such as computed tomography, mammography, and nuclear imaging are minimal factors to healthcare personnel's cumulative dose exposures. Radiation exposure, on the other hand, poses a risk to both patients and healthcare professionals. The medical use of ionizing radiation is a huge and growing global activity. While the use of ionizing radiation in medicine provides enormous advantages to the worldwide population, the inherent hazards owing to stochastic and deterministic effects necessitate the need to safeguard patients from potential injury. Current issues in radiation protection of patients include not only the rapidly increasing collective dose to the global population from medical exposure, but also the fact that a significant percentage of diagnostic imaging examinations are unnecessary, and the      cumulative dose to individuals from medical exposure is increasing.


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How to Cite

Othman, S. A. (2023). Effectiveness Management of Radiation Protection Program: A Short Review . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARE SCHOLARS, 6(3), 73–80. https://doi.org/10.31436/ijcs.v6i3.306