Performance Analysis of Predictive Functional Control for Automobile Adaptive Cruise Control System




Predictive Functional Control, Model Predictive Control, PID, Adaptive Cruise Control


This paper presents the performance analysis of Predictive Functional Control (PFC) for Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) application. To cope with multiple driving objectives of modern ACC systems such as passenger comfort, safe distancing, and fast time response, an advanced optimal controller such as Model Predictive Control (MPC) is often used. Nevertheless, MPC requires a high computation load due to its complex formulation and may overload the processing power of a microcontroller. Thus, the prime objective of this work is to propose a PFC algorithm as an alternative controller, while providing a formal comparison between MPC and the traditional Proportional Integral (PI) controller. A standard kinematic model for vehicle longitudinal dynamics was modelled and used to derive the control law of PFC. Since the open-loop dynamic of the derived transfer function is not stable, the second objective is to propose a pre-stabilized loop or cascade PFC structure for the system. A complete tuning procedure and analysis were presented. The simulation result shows that although MPC performance is the best for the ACC application with Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 1.4873, PFC has shown a promising response with RMSE of 1.5501, which is better compared to the PI controller with RMSE of 1.6219. All the imposed driving constraints such as maximum acceleration, maximum deceleration and safe distance were satisfied in the car following application. Thus, the findings from this work can become a good initial motivation to further explore the capability of the PFC algorithm for future ACC development. 

ABSTRAK: Kajian ini adalah berkenaan analisis prestasi Kawalan Fungsi Ramalan (PFC) aplikasi Kawalan Mudah Suai (ACC). Bagi memenuhi pelbagai keperluan objektif sistem pemanduan moden ACC seperti keselesaan penumpang, penjarakan selamat dan tindak balas pantas, kawalan optimum terbaru seperti Model Kawalan Ramalan (MPC) sering digunakan. Walau bagaimanapun, MPC memerlukan beban pengiraan tinggi kerana rumusnya yang kompleks dan mungkin mengakibatkan beban berlebihan kuasa pemprosesan mikrokawalan. Oleh itu, matlamat utama kajian ini adalah bagi mencadangkan algoritma PFC yang mempunyai pengiraan mudah sebagai kawalan alternatif, sementara menyediakan perbandingan formal antara MPC dan kawalan tradisional Berkadar Keseluruhan (PI). Oleh kerana model ini tidak stabil, objektif kedua adalah mencadangkan penggunaan struktur PFC berlapis bagi menstabilkan sistem terlebih dahulu sebelum algorithma kawalan digunakan atau dengan menggunakan struktur PFC secara berturut pada sistem. Prosedur lengkap dan terperinci untuk analisis PFC dibentangkan. Dapatan simulasi kajian menunjukkan walaupun prestasi MPC adalah baik bagi aplikasi ACC dengan Ralat Punca Min Kuasa Dua (RMSE) bernilai 1.4873, namun PFC menunjukkan tindak balas baik dengan RMSE bernilai 1.5501 berbanding kawalan PI yang mempunyai RMSE sebanyak 1.6219. Kesemua kekangan seperti pecutan dan nyahpecutan maksima, dan penjarakan selamat bertepatan dengan aplikasi kenderaan ini. Dengan itu, penemuan ini adalah motivasi awal yang baik bagi meneroka lebih jauh keupayaan algoritma PFC bagi membangun ACC pada masa hadapan.


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How to Cite

Zainuddin, M. A.-S., Abdullah, M., Ahmad, S., Uzir, M. S., & Ahmad Baidowi, Z. M. P. (2023). Performance Analysis of Predictive Functional Control for Automobile Adaptive Cruise Control System. IIUM Engineering Journal, 24(1), 213–225.



Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

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