Virtual Prototype-based Kinematic Modeling and Simulation of a Multi-mode Amphibious Robot




Amphibious robot, Kinematic modeling, Virtual prototype, ADAMS


The amphibious robot, which has the capability of multi-mode motion, can maneuver diverse environments with high mobility and adaptability. These are employed in the area of reconnaissance, search and rescue operations, and monitoring. The existing amphibious robots have lower maneuverability over the crawling period on uneven and slope surfaces on the land. In this paper, a kinematic model of the amphibious robot based on virtual prototyping is designed for multi-mode locomotion. ADAMS (Automated dynamic analysis of mechanical systems) is a multi-body dynamic solver adopted to build the simulation model for the robot. The novel amphibious robot employs a Rockerbogie mechanism equipped with wheel paddles. The locomotion analysis on land involves straight-going and obstacle negotiation, which is simulated using ADAMS. The simulation analysis result demonstrates increased maneuverability, achieving a robot's velocity of 1.6 m/s. Normal forces on the front and rear wheels show equal load distribution, contributing more to the robot’s equilibrium over uneven terrain. The simulation result reflects the accurate kinematic characteristics of the amphibious robot and provides a theoretical basis for developing an algorithm for robot motion control and optimization. Further, this research will concentrate on the kinematic simulation maneuvering in water mode with the wheel paddle.

ABSTRAK: Robot amfibia yang memiliki berbilang mod pergerakan, dapat bergerak dalam persekitaran berbeza dengan ketinggian mobiliti dan adaptasi. Kebolehan ini dapat digunakan dalam kawasan pengintipan, operasi pencarian dan menyelamat, dan peninjauan. Robot amfibia sedia ada mempunyai kurang kebolehgerakan sepanjang tempoh merangkak pada permukaan cerun dan permukaan tidak rata pada tanah. Dalam kajian ini, model kinematik robot amfibia berdasarkan prototaip maya dibentuk berdasarkan gerak alih pelbagai mod. Sistem Mekanikal Analisis Dinamik Automatik (ADAMS) adalah penyelesai dinamik berbilang badan telah diadaptasi bagi membina model simulasi robot. Robot amfibia baru dicipta berdasarkan mekanisme Rockerbogie beserta padel tayar. Analisis gerak alih atas tanah ini termasuk gerakan-lurus dan rundingan halangan, disimulasi menggunakan ADAMS. Dapatan simulasi kajian menunjukkan peningkatan kebolehgerakan, mencapai halaju robot sehingga 1.6 m/s. Daya tujahan normal pada depan dan belakang tayar menunjukkan keseimbangan agihan beban, menyumbang lebih kepada keseimbangan robot ke atas permukaan yang tidak rata. Dapatan kajian dari simulasi menunjukkan ciri-ciri kinematik yang tepat pada robot amfibia dan menyediakan teori asas bagi membangunkan algoritma kawalan pergerakan dan pengoptimuman. Seterusnya, kajian ini mengfokuskan simulasi gerakan kinematik dalam mod air beserta padel tayar. 


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Author Biographies

Siti Fauziah Toha, International Islamic University Malaysia

Dept. of Mechatronics Engineering, International Islamic University, Gombak, Malaysia

Salmiah Ahmad, International Islamic University Malaysia

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, International Islamic University, Gombak, Malaysia

Mohd Asyraf Mohd Razib, International Islamic University Malaysia

Dept. of Mechatronics Engineering, International Islamic University, Gombak, Malaysia


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How to Cite

Rafeeq, M., Toha, S. F. ., Ahmad, S., & MOHD RAZIB, M. A. . (2022). Virtual Prototype-based Kinematic Modeling and Simulation of a Multi-mode Amphibious Robot. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23(2), 246–256.



Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

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