Effect of Rhizopus oryzae Fermentation on Kenaf-Based Polylactic Acid’s Monomer


  • Nur Aimi Mohd Nasir Department of Manufacturing and Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Mohd Adlan Mustafa Kamalbahrin
  • Nurhafizah Mohamad
  • Hazleen Anuar
  • Maizirwan Mel
  • and Rashidi Othman




Kenaf biomass is the potential as raw materials used to produce polylactic acid's monomer which is lactic acid via fermentation by Rhizopus oryzae. Kenaf biomass' structure is complex due to its lignin and cellulose content. This matter had encouraged it to undergo pre- treatment process as the initial step before fermentation process can be done. In this paper, kenaf biomass was treated with dilute sulphuric acid (H2SO4) to hydrolyze the cellulose content in it as well as to convert the cellulose into glucose- a carbon source for Rhizopus to grow. Then, the fermentation process was carried out in shake flask for 3 days at pH 6. Several conditions for fermentation process had been chosen which were 25oC at 150 rpm, 25 oC at 200 rpm, 37 oC at 150 rpm and 37oC at 200 rpm. In this fermentation process, 0.471 g/L, 0.428 g/L, 0.444 g/L and 0.38 g/L of lactic acid was produced respectively. Sample at 25oC at 200 rpm produced maximum amount of lactic acid compared to others.

ABSTRAK: Biojisim kenaf berpotensi sebagai bahan mentah dalam penghasilan monomer asid polylactic (poliester alifatik termoplastik diterbitkan daripada sumber boleh diperbaharu seperti kanji jagung) yang merupakan asid laktik menerusi penapaian oleh Rhizopus oryzae (sejenis fungus yang hidup dalam jirim organik yang telah mati). Struktur biojisim kenaf adalah kompleks disebabkan kandungan lignin dan selulosanya. Hal ini menyebabkan ia perlu melalui proses pra-rawatan sebagai langkah awal sebelum proses penapaian dijalankan. Dalam kertas ini, biojirim kenaf dirawat dengan asid sulfurik (H2SO4) yang dicairkan untuk menghidrolisis kandungan selulosa di dalamnya di samping menukar selulosa menjadi glukosa - sumber karbon bagi tumbesaran Rhizopus. Kemudian, proses penapaian dijalankan di dalam kelalang goncang selama 3 hari pada pH 6. Beberapa ciri proses penapaian telah dipilih iaitu 25 oC pada 150 rpm, 25 oC pada 200 rpm, 37 oC pada 150 rpm dan 37 oC pada 200 rpm. Dalam proses penapaian ini, 0.471 g/L, 0.428 g/L, 0.444 g/L dan 0.38 g/L asid laktik dihasilkan secara berturut. Sampel pada 25oC pada 200 rpm menghasilkan kadar asid laktik yang maksimum dibandingkan dengan yang lainnya.

KEY WORDS :Kenaf biomass, pre-treatment, lactic acid, Rhizopus oryzae, fermentation


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How to Cite

Mohd Nasir, N. A., Mustafa Kamalbahrin, M. A., Mohamad, N., Anuar, H., Mel, M., & Othman, and R. (2011). Effect of Rhizopus oryzae Fermentation on Kenaf-Based Polylactic Acid’s Monomer. IIUM Engineering Journal, 12(4). https://doi.org/10.31436/iiumej.v12i4.209

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