Performance Analysis of an Induction Motor Coupled VIF with MR Fluid Damper




Variable Inertia Flywheel, Energy Saving, Magneto Rheological Fluid


The flywheel is a classic mechanical device that is often used to enhance the rotational motion of engines. Electrical machines often face fluctuations in speed that hamper speed stability and cause extra power consumption. Recently, a few publications have analyzed the impact of the flywheel to reduce fluctuation and energy consumption in electric motors. This study proposes the use of a flywheel with a changeable moment of inertia, which can be manipulated to boost both speed stability and energy efficiency. The objective is to improve the speed stability of industrial motors in the presence of the loading effect. This study introduces a magneto-rheological variable inertia flywheel (MRVIF) to control rotational speed and reduce power usage. The purpose of analytical development is to assess the influence of rotational speed and excitation current on the MR damper's moment of inertia for control purposes. The investigation focuses on the analysis of power usage and stability across different power inputs and rotating speeds. The effectiveness of the suggested MRVIF was evaluated via the development of a prototype. Experiments were undertaken to validate the effectiveness and stability of the system. The findings illustrate the potential use of MRVIF in reducing energy consumption and enhancing speed stability.

ABSTRAK: ‘Flywheel’ atau roda tenaga adalah peranti mekanikal klasik yang sering digunakan bagi meningkatkan gerakan putaran enjin. Mesin elektrik sering menghadapi turun naik kelajuan yang menghalang kestabilan kelajuan dan menyebabkan penggunaan kuasa tambahan. Baru-baru ini, terdapat beberapa kajian terdahulu yang menganalisis kesan roda tenaga bagi mengurangkan turun naik dan penggunaan tenaga dalam motor elektrik. Kajian ini mencadangkan penggunaan roda tenaga dengan momen inersia boleh ubah, di mana ia boleh dimanipulasi bagi meningkatkan kestabilan kelajuan dan kecekapan tenaga. Objektif kajian adalah bagi meningkatkan kestabilan kelajuan motor industri bersama kesan muatan. Kajian ini memperkenalkan pembolehubah magnetorheologikal roda tenaga inersia (MRVIF) bagi mengawal kelajuan putaran dan mengurangkan penggunaan kuasa. Tujuan pembangunan analitikal ini adalah bagi menilai pengaruh kelajuan putaran dan arus pengujaan pada momen inersia peredam MR bagi tujuan kawalan. Kajian memfokuskan pada analisis penggunaan kuasa dan kestabilan merentas pelbagai input kuasa dan kelajuan putaran. Keberkesanan MRVIF yang dicadangkan telah diuji melalui pembangunan prototaip. Eksperimen dijalankan bagi mengesahkan keberkesanan dan kestabilan sistem. Penemuan ini menggambarkan potensi MRVIF dalam mengurangkan penggunaan tenaga dan meningkatkan kestabilan kelajuan.


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How to Cite

Munimus Salam, S., & Mahbubur Rashid, M. (2024). Performance Analysis of an Induction Motor Coupled VIF with MR Fluid Damper. IIUM Engineering Journal, 25(2), 350–366.



Mechatronics and Automation Engineering