Three Dimensional Parametric Analyses on Effect of Fibre Orientation for Stress Concentration Factor in Fibrous Composite Cantilever Plate with Central Circular Hole under Transverse Loading
ABSTRACT: A number of analytical and numerical techniques are available for the two dimensional study of stress concentration around the hole(s) in isotropic and composite plates subjected to in-plane or transverse loading conditions. The information on the techniques for three dimensional analyses of stress concentration factor (SCF) around the hole in isotropic and composite plates subjected to transverse loading conditions is, however, limited. The present work emphasizes on the effect of fibre orientation (q) on the stress concentration factor in fibrous composite plates with central circular hole under transverse static loading condition. The work is carried out for cantilever fibrous composite plates. The effects of thickness -to- width (T/A) and diameter-to-width (D/A) ratios upon SCF at different fibre orientation are studied. Plates of four different composite materials were considered for hole analysis in order to determine the sensitivity of SCF with elastic constants. Deflections in transverse direction were calculated and analysed. All results are presented in graphical form and discussed. The finite element formulation and its analysis were carried out using ANSYS package.
ABSTRAK: Terdapat pelbagai teknik analitikal dan numerical untuk kajian tumpuan tegasan dua dimensi di sekeliling lubang-lubang dalam komposit isotropik dan plat pada satah atau keadaan bebanan melintang. Bagaimanapun, maklumat mengenai kaedah analisis tiga dimensi untuk faktor ketumpatan tegasan (SCF) sekitar lubang dalam komposit isotropik dan plat pada keadaan bebanan melintang adalah terhad. Kertas ini menekankan kesan orientasi gentian (q) pada faktor tumpuan tegasan dalam komposit plat bergentian dengan lubang berpusat di bawah keadaan bebanan melintang. Kajian ini dilkukan untuk cantilever plat komposit bergentian. Kesan ketebalan terhadap kelebaran plat (T/A) dan diameter terhadap kelebaran komposit (D/A) dengan SCF pada orientasi gentian berbeza telah dikaji. Plat komposit bagi empat bahan komposit berbeza telah diambilkira bagi kesemua analisis untuk mendapatkan kesensitifan SCF dengan konstan elastic. Defleksi pada arah melintang telah dikira dan dianalisa. Kesemua keputusan telah disembahkan secara grafik dan dibincang. Fomulasi unsur finit dan analisis telah dilaksanakan menggunakan pakej ANSYS.
KEYWORDS:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â finite element method; stress concentration factor; composites; transverse loading; deflection; elastic constants