


Food Industry, Work Study, Sustainability, Time Study, Productivity


Today with a rapidly changing world and markets, SMEs are facing a critical challenge to remain competitive in the business market. In this paper, a case study of the SMEs food industry is presented. Work study methodology was embedded in the strategy to improve the productivity of the soya sauce enterprise. The sample size required for the study was calculated and random observations were determined through a work sampling technique to achieve a 95% confidence level. The result from this study reveals that work sampling data can be used as a reliable estimation for identification of any potential bottleneck as well as idle time in the factory. The process flowchart at the filling and capping terminal were examined and the travelling distance was optimized to 12.5 feet from original distance of 17 feet. The modified plant layout significantly improves the people flow, production material handling, work safety, space utilization, and better working conditions. The survival of SMEs is critical as this sector contributes 38.3% to Malaysian‘s gross domestic productivity (GDP). Thus, these findings demonstrated that enhancing the productivity of SME food industries is effective through a work study. However, the successful adoption of this approach is mostly because of top administrative involvement and the participation of all staff members.

ABSTRAK: Pada hari ini, dengan perubahan pesat dunia dan pasaran, SMEs berhadapan cabaran getir bagi terus tetap berdaya saing dalam pasaran perniagaan. Kajian ini membincangkan berkaitan kes kajian SMEs dalam industri makanan. Kaedah kajian kerja telah diguna pakai dalam strategi bagi meningkatkan pengeluaran sos soya. Saiz sampel yang diperlukan bagi kajian ini dikira dan pemerhatian rawak diperoleh melalui teknik persampelan bagi memperolehi 95% tahap yakin diri. Hasil keputusan kajian menunjukkan data persampelan boleh digunakan sebagai anggaran boleh percaya bagi mengklasifikasi kemungkinan kesesakan dan juga masa terbiar dalam kilang. Proses carta alir pada terminal isian dan penutup telah diperiksa dan jarak perjalanan dioptimumkan pada 12.5 kaki dari jarak asal iaitu 17 kaki. Ubah suai susun atur kilang dapat memperbaiki dengan ketara aturan pekerja, pengendalian bahan pengeluaran, keselamatan kerja, pengunaan ruang tempat kerja dan persekitaran tempat kerja yang lebih bagus. Kemandirian SMEs adalah sangat kritikal kerana sektor ini menyumbang 38.3% kepada Keluaran Malaysia Dalam Negara Kasar (KDNK). Oleh itu, hasil kajian menunjukkan  peningkatan produktiviti industri makanan SMEs adalah berkesan menerusi kajian ini. Walau bagaimanapun, keberhasilan kaedah ini berpunca daripada keterlibatan pentadbiran dan seluruh anggota pekerja.


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How to Cite

Wahid, Z., & Che Daud, M. R. (2020). STUDY ON PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT OF MANUAL OPERATIONS IN SOYA SAUCE FACTORY. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21(1), 202–211.



Materials and Manufacturing Engineering