fuzzy model, PID-controller, neural networks, drum boiler, controller, adaptive system, temperature, heat power industry.Abstract
The article discusses the creation of an adaptive system for managing dynamic objects based on neuro-fuzzy technology. This technology is used to actively identify and create temperature control algorithms for the superheated steam of a drum boiler in the presence of disturbances associated with a change in load. To solve this problem, the use of a fuzzy-logical controller is proposed. The rule base of this regulator is defined. A technique is proposed for determining the optimal number of neurons and the number of hidden layers. The neuro-fuzzy model of the controller is presented in the form of a multilayer neural network without feedback, which is characterized by a simple implementation in practice. The use of a fuzzy-logical controller gives the automatic control system the ability to maintain technological parameters at a given level in the presence of external disturbing influences, and also makes it possible to efficiently control the process.
ABSTRAK: Artikel ini membincangkan rekaan sistem penyesuaian bagi mengurus objek dinamik berdasarkan teknologi neura-kabur. Teknologi ini digunakan bagi mengenal pasti secara aktif dan mencipta algoritma kawalan suhu bagi stim melampau panas dalam drum dandang dengan kehadiran gangguan berkaitan perubahan beban. Bagi menyelesaikan masalah ini, penggunaan pengawal logik-kabur telah dicadangkan. Asas peraturan bagi pengaturan ini ditentukan. Satu teknik dicadangkan bagi mendapat bilangan optima neuron dan bilangan lapisan tersembunyi. Model neura-kabur pengawal ini dikemukakan dalam bentuk rangkaian neural berlapis tanpa suap balik, bercirikan praktik pelaksanaan mudah. Penggunaan pengawal logik-kabur memberi sistem kawalan automatik kebolehan mengekalkan parameter teknologi pada tahap tertentu dengan kehadiran pengaruh gangguan luar, dan juga memberi kebolehan proses kawalan yang cekap.
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