A Close Study on Domestic Violence Against Women: Islamic Perspectives and Remedies


  • Maulana Akbar Shah @ Aung FIDS, IIUM
  • Phoo Pwint Thu Aung ( Afreen Shah) Aung ISTAC, IIUM



الكلمات المفتاحية:

Islam, rights, Responsibility, women, education, communication, violence


Women empowerment refers to the process of giving women the power to take control of their lives, rights, and decision-making. It is about creating a society where women are treated equally, with respect, and have access to the same opportunities as men. It involves promoting women's education, encouraging their participation in politics, and breaking down gender stereotypes. However, prevailing information of domestic violence against women is rampant in many places around the world. Domestic violence is a form of abuse that can occur in any intimate relationship. It can take many forms, including physical, emotional, sexual, and financial abuse. It is crucial to protect individuals from domestic violence, especially women, who are most often the victims of this type of abuse. Islam recognizes the rights of women and emphasizes their equality with men. Women have the right to own property, inherit, and engage in business. The religion also promotes modesty and respect for women, including the obligation to protect them from harm. As well as Islam addresses domestic violence through teachings of respect, communication, patience, and consent between spouses. It prohibits harm, emphasizes gender equality, and encourages seeking guidance from knowledgeable sources and family support. By promoting these principles, Islam aims to prevent domestic violence, foster healthy relationships, and ensure the well-being and dignity of all family members. The United Nations has recognized the severity of this issue and has implemented various initiatives to combat domestic violence. We must all work together to ensure that everyone is safe and free from abuse in their own homes. Their motto for this effort is "Women's Rights are Human Rights," which was famously declared by Hillary Clinton during her speech at the 1995 United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China. The UN has since adopted this statement as a guiding principle for their gender equality and women's empowerment efforts worldwide. It is essential to emphasize the role of education and communication in protecting women from domestic violence. By educating individuals on what constitutes abuse and how to recognize the signs, we can empower them to take action and seek help. Additionally, open and honest communication between partners can prevent misunderstandings and potential conflicts that may escalate into violence. We must continue to prioritize education and communication as solutions to combat domestic violence and ensure the safety and well-being of all individuals, particularly women. The qualitative research methodology is applied in this research and the article will be published in an index journal at the earliest. 


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كيفية الاقتباس

Aung, Maulana Akbar Shah @, و Phoo Pwint Thu Aung ( Afreen Shah) Aung. 2023. "A Close Study on Domestic Violence Against Women: Islamic Perspectives and Remedies". مجلة البرهان لدراسات القرآن والسنة 7 (2). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.:137-51. https://doi.org/10.31436/alburhn.v7i2.319.