AL-BURHĀN: JOURNAL OF QURʾĀN AND SUNNAH STUDIES <p align="justify"><span style="font-family: GentiumAlt; color: #006071;">al-Burhān is a biannual internationally refereed journal which publishes articles in English and Arabic. The journal is managed by the Department of Qurʾan and Sunnah Studies, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (KIRKHS), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) in collaboration with IIUM Journal Publication Unit, and published online by IIUM Press. The Editorial Committee of the Journal welcomes contributions of papers on any topics related to Qurʾan, Sunnah and Sīrah studies. al-Burhān is intended to provide an avenue for scholars, academics, and researchers from all persuasions and traditions to forward, share and discuss their views, opinions, theories, arguments and all that can adopt the academic language with the purpose of enhancing the discourse of advanced revelation and scriptural knowledge and education. al-Burhān ultimately aims to become one of the leading platforms for knowledge on Islam that will leave a positive impact on the progress of society and the betterment of humanity. The eISSN of al-Burhān is 2600-8386.</span></p> IIUM Journal Publications en-US AL-BURHĀN: JOURNAL OF QURʾĀN AND SUNNAH STUDIES 2600-8386 <p align="justify"><strong><span style="color: #c61902; font-family: GentiumAlt;">In general, reusing or reproducing substantial portions of al-Burhān content requires permission. This includes the use of text, figures, tables, multimedia content, and any other material published in any issues of al-Burhān Journal of Qur'an and Sunnah Studies. For some instances, al-Burhān may make its content freely viewable; however, such material may require permission for reuse. To seek permission, please contact the editorial.<br /></span></strong></p> EDITORIAL <p>The February issue of Al-Burhan journal commences with an illuminating exploration into the profound realm of <em>Maqāṣid</em> al-Qur’ān. This meticulous analysis unveils the inherent noble goals of preservation, justice, compassion, and knowledge within the Quranic framework. By adeptly integrating expert insights and diverse methodologies, the study not only sheds light on the nuanced understanding of <em>Maqāṣid</em> but also accentuates its enduring relevance across varied contexts and epochs. It eloquently advocates for a just and compassionate way of life rooted in Islamic principles, fostering harmony among diverse communities, while poignantly emphasising the Qur’ān’s profound significance as a timeless source of divine wisdom.</p> <p>The subsequent article ventures into an examination of critical thinking from a Quranic perspective, highlighting the deficiencies in conventional education systems. It stresses the imperative of integrating ethical, moral, and spiritual dimensions into traditional frameworks, recognising knowledge beyond the empirical. Drawing parallels between Quranic teachings and Western models, the research aims to promote a comprehensive approach to critical thinking. By prioritising moral and spiritual growth alongside technical skills, it challenges prevailing educational paradigms and advocates for holistic development.</p> <p>Understanding the communication methods of Prophet Mohammad (SAW) holds paramount importance for both Muslims and non-Muslims seeking to emulate his sunnah. Through a comprehensive archival study of ahadeeth in Sahih Al-Bukhari, the subsequent article unveils quantitative insights into the verbal and nonverbal communicative elements employed by the Prophet. This research provides valuable insights into Prophet Mohammad's communicative example, guiding successful messaging and adherence to his Sunnah.</p> <p>The halal certification process undergoes a thorough analysis in the fourth article, utilizing Quranic verses and Shariah principles as guiding benchmarks. By focusing on legislation, practicality, harm elimination, and positive impact, the research evaluates market leaders across various sectors. It emphasises the necessity of incorporating Shariah principles in understanding customer demand, especially in sectors such as processed food and clothing. Ultimately, the research aims to foster economic and social growth through the production and consumption of more halal products and services.</p> <p>The fifth article delves into the importance of applied research in driving societal change, particularly in addressing pressing issues such as food shortages exacerbated by population growth. Despite the absence of explicit mention in the Qur’an, the study adeptly demonstrates the relevance of applied research in enhancing agricultural productivity. Through illuminating examples from diverse contexts, the research highlights the indispensable role of applied research in addressing societal issues and fostering tangible positive transformations.</p> <p>A nuanced exploration of human evolution from an Islamic standpoint is presented in the sixth article, navigating the tensions between scientific theories and religious beliefs. By highlighting the centrality of mankind's creation in Islamic theology and contrasting it with evolutionary concepts, the article prompts critical reflection and scholarly inquiry. It highlights the importance of a thorough understanding of both Islamic teachings and biological evidence in addressing this contentious issue.</p> <p>The seventh article offers a comprehensive examination of women's political engagement in Iraq post-2003, shedding light on their significant strides despite facing numerous challenges. Through historical, descriptive, and political analysis, the text underscores the noteworthy involvement of Iraqi women in governmental and parliamentary roles, showcasing their ongoing efforts to promote progress within the political system.</p> <p>Moving to the first Arabic article in this issue, the study meticulously examines the foundational principles of political authority in Islam. It highlights the consensus among Islamic scholars regarding the state's role in ensuring the welfare and happiness of citizens, emphasizing justice, trustworthiness, truth, and freedom in political governance.</p> <p>The ninth article addresses the humanity of individuals in their interactions with people of diverse faiths, emphasizing humane relations devoid of violence, extremism, and selfishness. By illuminating the Prophet's (SAW) interactions with non-Muslims, the research seeks to promote justice and generosity that transcend religious, sectarian, societal, and cultural boundaries.</p> <p>Finally, the insightful study delves into the religious dimension of the African identity crisis, examining the resistance against Western colonization in West African countries. Through a theoretical framework grounded in historical sources, the research underscores the enduring influence of figures who resisted colonial encroachment, preserving Islam's significance in Gambian society.</p> <p>In summary, the February edition presents an array of scholarly contributions that meticulously examine various facets of Islamic thought, historical narratives, and contemporary challenges, all deeply rooted in the teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah. These articles collectively enrich the understanding while fostering rigorous discourse, transcending the confines of academia to engage a broader audience.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Nurul Jannah Zainan Nazri</strong></p> <p>Editor</p> <p>Al-Burhan Journal of Qur’an and Sunnah Studies</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Nurul Jannah Zainan Nazri Copyright (c) 2024 IIUM Press 2024-03-17 2024-03-17 8 1 i ii 10.31436/alburhn.v8i1.344 MAQĀṢID AL-QUR’ĀN: EXPLORING HIGHER OBJECTIVES AND INTELLECTUAL INSIGHTS <p>This paper examines <em>Maqāṣid al-Qur’ān</em>, examining its noble objectives. It delves into the essential values of preservation, justice, compassion, and knowledge, critically analyzing the origins and relevance of <em>Maqāṣid</em>. It enhances comprehension of Islamic teachings by examining expert viewpoints and various methods for determining <em>Maqāṣid</em>. The objectives include examining preservation, justice, compassion, and knowledge within the <em>Maqāṣid al-Qur’ān</em> framework, as well as the linguistic roots and nuances of the term <em>Maqāṣid</em>. It also covers historical contextualization, expert opinions, and practical execution of these objectives. It further highlights the adaptability and usefulness of <em>Maqāṣid </em>across societies and periods. The significance of this research lies in its potential to deepen the understanding of Islamic teachings by unravelling the higher objectives encapsulated in the Qur'ān. Through <em>Maqāṣid al-Qur’ān</em>, Muslims can get insights into a compassionate and just lifestyle, promoting harmony in varied civilizations. The Qur’ān's inherent value as a source of divine knowledge is emphasized, promoting intellectual and ethical development in people and societies. The findings of this research illuminate the profound nature of <em>Maqāṣid al-Qur’ān</em>, emphasizing its role in shaping ethical conduct and promoting justice, compassion, and knowledge. Timeless relevance comes from these higher goals' adaptability across time and societies. Expert viewpoints and methods strengthen scholarly discourse on Islamic teachings by providing detailed investigations into <em>Maqāṣid</em>. The study improves comprehension of <em>Maqāṣid al-Qur’ān</em> by revealing its higher purposes. Muslims learn a fair and compassionate way of life that works across time and culture from complete exploration. </p> Syed Alaudeen Seyed Ibrahim Ushama Thameem Copyright (c) 2024 IIUM Press 2024-02-29 2024-02-29 8 1 1 21 10.31436/alburhn.v8i1.338 REVISITING CRITICAL THINKING THROUGH QURANIC LENS <p style="font-weight: 400;">Despite the widespread emphasis on teaching critical thinking at international universities, there is a growing concern that graduates are inadequately prepared to navigate the complexities of contemporary crises, revealing significant shortcomings in conventional approaches to critical thinking education. Through comparative text analysis, this study examines the concept of critical thinking through a Quranic perspective, highlighting the integration of ethical, moral, and spiritual dimensions into the traditional critical thinking frameworks. The Quranic perspective acknowledges the existence of knowledge beyond the empirical and physically observable world, urging a recognition of the limitations of human intellect. The study presents a more holistic approach to critical thinking drawing on Quranic teachings to enrich contemporary understanding and practice. By exploring the Quran's emphasis on ethical reasoning, reflective and strategic thinking, restraint and self-control as elements of sound critical thinking, the study identifies both convergences and divergences with Western models of critical thinking. The findings of the Quran's unique contributions to critical thinking include the integration of spirituality for autonomous critical thinking, a holistic approach to reasoning, the central role of the heart in thinking, and the importance of character-building for sound judgment. The research aims to foster a more integrated approach to critical thinking presenting a set of Islamic critical insights that encompass not only intellectual but also spiritual and moral capacities, challenging current educational paradigms and advocating for a comprehensive development that prioritizes character-building together with technical skills such as awareness of cognitive biases and heuristics.</p> Awil Hashi Copyright (c) 2024 IIUM Press 2024-02-29 2024-02-29 8 1 22 41 10.31436/alburhn.v8i1.340 METHODOLOGY OF HADITH ANALYSIS AND COMMUNICATIVE CLASSIFICATION: A STUDY ON SAHIH AL-BUKHARI <p>Understanding the verbal and nonverbal communicative elements of Prophet Mohammad (SAW) is essential to have a deeper understanding of the role model and desired replication of the sunnah of the Prophet (SAW) for Muslims and non-Muslims to study. Through a complete historical archival study and classification of ahadeeth in <em>Sahih Al-Bukhari</em>, the researcher has completed a comprehensive, quantitative, descriptive statistical data analysis to determine the verbal and nonverbal frequencies of verbal and nonverbal communicative elements and determined subcategories. The study results indicate that verbal communication is the most frequently used method of communication of Prophet Mohammad (SAW), totaling 3498 ahadeeth, with the verbal subcategory of "Declarative Statement" totaling 1984 ahadeeth. Both verbal and nonverbal communication is the second most frequent method of communication by Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), totaling 1314 ahadeeth. A further breakdown of all verbal and nonverbal subcategories indicates the range, approach, presence, and communicative example of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), as well as his role as the final Messenger of Allah (SWT), to model for successful messaging, communication, and furthering adherence to his sunnah.</p> Alexandra Maragha Copyright (c) 2024 IIUM Press 2024-02-29 2024-02-29 8 1 42 69 10.31436/alburhn.v8i1.315 HALAL INDUSTRY CERTIFICATION ASPECTS: CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK BASED ON THE THEMATIC STUDY OF THE QUR’AN <p>The article aims to analyze the different aspects of the halal certification process based on the thematic study of the Quran’s verses containing the word halal. The themes are -legislation, the practicality of the legislation, elimination of harm, and positive impact. Based on these themes and principles the conceptual framework is developed and various aspects of the halal certification process are analyzed. For analysis purposes, market leaders in 5 sectors are chosen. The qualitative analysis relied on online reports, company websites, research papers, and webinar proceedings. The study establishes a link between Quranic themes and Shariah principles. From the content analysis, it has been found that the most widely applied theme in all sectors is eliminating impurity; the most overlooked theme is positive impact. Leaders in the food and finance sector have a diversified Shariah board. However, shariah principles need to be incorporated in analyzing the customer demand, especially for processed food and clothing. The research is expected to assist the policymakers and other stakeholders in establishing a framework for halal certification that would maintain the label's integrity. The thematic study of the Quran highlights the necessity to take initiatives to reduce the knowledge gap, develop tools to assess customer demand, and the impact of consuming halal goods and services from a Shariah perspective. Such initiatives would assist in developing more halal products and services and boost economic and social impact.</p> Farah Ahmed Copyright (c) 2024 IIUM Press 2024-02-29 2024-02-29 8 1 70 92 10.31436/alburhn.v8i1.333 FOUNDATIONS OF APPLIED RESEARCH IN THE HOLY QUR’ĀN: THE DIVINE MOTIVATION IN RESEARCH AND SOCIAL CHANGE <p>This research addresses the concept, objectives, methods, and the Qur’anic basis of applied research and the role of this form of research in achieving social change. Cause and effect are shown in how the growing world population is reducing the lands for cultivation. Subsequently, food shortages impact on social ecosystem, social justice, and social change causing a major social problem. Applied research plays a vital role to cope with such problems and challenges. Applied research is used to find solutions to common problems. This research finds that the Holy Qur’ān does not mention applied research; yet there is a basis of applied research in it. The research shows the application of the Qur’anic motivation in applied research in order to social change through increasing agricultural commodities. It provides examples of the role of applied research in the field of agriculture in the United States of America, Bangladesh, and Malaysia to generate agricultural products. In addition, to demonstrate the application of basic, scientific, and applied research through a multi-disciplinary approach, the researchers describe how a team of scientists is currently working on the ambitious project in order to transform rice from a C3 plant into a C4 plant. This research is based on reviewing library resources. The researcher used three methodologies: inductive, qualitative, and analytical approaches.</p> Sirajul Islam Sofiah Samsudin Ammar bin Fadzil Copyright (c) 2024 IIUM Press 2024-02-29 2024-02-29 8 1 93 106 10.31436/alburhn.v8i1.314 ISLAM AND EVOLUTION: A BRIEF REVIEW OF QURANIC CONCEPT AND CONTEMPORARY THOUGHTS <p>Of all the biological theories, the speculation of human evolution considerably poses a noteworthy challenge to the Islamic standpoint because it directly threatens the central position of mankind in this universe. According to the Qur’anic point of view, the miracle of the creation of man directly belongs to Allah almighty’s intention and His deliberate will. That’s why Human Evolution has turned out to be a hot discussion amongst believers and non-believers, as it can’t be rejected or accepted in one stroke. The Muslim thinkers appeared to be typically hostile and suspicious of human evolution, meanwhile, the evolutionists area unit is busy to prove that homology (similarities amongst species) shows common ancestry of different species. Anyhow, bioscience has rejected this theory as it contains contradictory statements due to some faulty assumptions like it can’t answer a straightforward question: “How did life come into existence on this planet, namely Earth?” But Sacred writing (Qur’an) has created an unambiguous and absolute conception in this regard. The purpose of this qualitative research mainly has two folds. The first is to spotlight the conception of the evolution of man in step with primary sources of Islamic <em>shari`ah</em> (Qur’an and Hadith), and the second is to analyze the theology of the researchers, philosophers, and scholars based on human evolution. However, the theory of evolution is not ideologically appreciated by Islamic groups. In fact, it is considered nothing but a material-based thought. Somebody ought to be very careful to make a final statement concerning human evolution without a deep analysis of Islam and bioscience.</p> Fozia Sadaf Copyright (c) 2023 IIUM Press 2024-02-29 2024-02-29 8 1 107 121 10.31436/alburhn.v8i1.295 GENDERED POLITICAL EMPOWERMENT IN IRAQ: EXAMINING WOMEN'S ENGAGEMENT IN THE POST-2003 POLITICAL LANDSCAPE <p>The present article examines women's political engagement in Iraq following 2003, presenting an evaluation of their current political milieu. The text provides insight into the rise of multiple women's groups, clarifying their goals and actions. The article delves into the unique difficulties and hindrances faced by proponents of women's rights in present-day Iraq. In the aftermath of the collapse of the Ba'athist government, a promising window of opportunity emerged for women to participate in the political sphere. As a result, female citizens of Iraq have attained a noteworthy degree of political engagement, obtaining roles within the governmental and parliamentary spheres. Despite persistent efforts, individuals in Iraq are still facing a range of obstacles stemming from tribal, sectarian, customary, and legal factors, which are primarily influenced by prevailing patriarchal and sectarian ideologies. This research employs historical, descriptive, and political analysis to showcase the active participation of Iraqi women in the political and social landscape of Iraq. This statement highlights their continuous involvement in promoting the progress of the political system, as evidenced by their occupancy of various political positions.</p> Jamal Mohammed Ameen Hussein Abdulwahed Jalal Copyright (c) 2024 IIUM Press 2024-02-29 2024-02-29 8 1 122 145 10.31436/alburhn.v8i1.334 السياسة بين الأخلاق والمقاصد: عرض مقارن بين ابن تيمية والشاطبيّ <p>Islamic scholars, including philosophers, sociologists, and jurists agree that the ultimate goal of the state or political authority is to achieve the welfare of the citizens and to bring goodness, prosperity, and happiness to the individual and society. This means safeguarding religion and managing worldly affairs. Political authority in Islam is based on a unique system consisting of two elements: ethics and objectives. These two elements constitute the highest goal of the prophetic message, as Sharia consists of the duality of ethics and interests. The article seeks to uncover the foundational moral and objective basis of political authority by providing a comparative analysis of the most important ethical objectives that must be possessed by <em>uli al-amr</em>, according to Imam Ahmad ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728 AH) in his book "Al-Siyasah al-Shar'iyyah fi Islah al-Ra'i wa al-Ra'iyah," and Abu Ishaq al-Shatibi (d. 790 AH) in his book "Al-Muwafaqat." The article concludes that the purpose of establishing political authority cannot be realized unless it is framed within the framework of ethics and virtues that enjoin justice, trustworthiness, truth, and freedom. Furthermore, ethics in the realm of politics must be subjected to the hierarchical classification of objectives into necessities, needs, and improvements. Accordingly, priority should be given to the most crucial virtues, while averting the most harmful vices.</p> <p> </p> Bachar Bakour Berghout Abdelaziz Copyright (c) 2024 IIUM Press 2024-02-29 2024-02-29 8 1 146 161 10.31436/alburhn.v8i1.339 إنسانية الإنسان في التعامل مع أهل الديانات الأخرى: تعامل النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم مع غير المسلمين أنموذجًا <p>The title of the paper is: "Humanity of Man in Dealing with People of Other Faiths: The Prophet's Interaction with Non-Muslims as a Model". This research delves into a pivotal issue relevant to the contemporary world we inhabit today – the humanity of man in dealing with individuals of diverse faiths. Numerous scholars and academics have addressed this matter, yet lingering challenges and inquiries persist, awaiting resolution and elucidation. The aim of this study is to spotlight the Prophet's (peace be upon him) interaction with non-Muslims, viewing them as fellow human beings within the framework of humane relations that denounce violence, extremism, and selfishness. The objective is to comprehend and apply the prophetic approach, crushing human oppression of one's fellow human within a context devoid of noble values that manifest aspects of goodness in the bewildered and lost realm of humanity. The research concludes that Islam is a religion of justice and generosity, transcending religions, sects, societies, and cultures.</p> Shujaur Rahman Azmi Prof Dr. Muhammad Abul Lais Copyright (c) 2024 IIUM Press 2024-02-29 2024-02-29 8 1 162 187 10.31436/alburhn.v8i1.335 منهج عمر فوتيوتال ومالك سه في مقاومة نموذج الحضارة الفرنسية البعثية في سنيغمبيا <p>This research aims to diagnose the religious dimension of the African identity crisis, which has worsened due to the encroachment of Western nations on its natural and human resources. It focuses on highlighting the French role in attempting to assert its control and activate its exploitative model in West African countries. The study delves into the roles of the heroes: Umar Futio Taal and Malik Sy, among those who resisted French colonization. The research adopts a theoretical approach using historical sources and literary heritage to underscore the roles of these two figures. The study concludes by discovering the similarities in the goals of these two individuals and their differences in approach. While the former adopted military confrontation, the latter resorted to a cultural confrontation. Both achieved successes that maintained the influence of Islam in Gambian society, yet they faced failures that prevented them from establishing the dominance of Islam at the political level. The researcher hopes that the outcomes of this research will inspire the youth to explore the strategies of other heroes in resisting Western colonization in West Africa.</p> Jah Omar Copyright (c) 2024 IIUM Press 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 188 207 10.31436/alburhn.v8i1.305