التعامل مع القرآن بمهارتي الحفظ والتدبر

Dealing with al-Qur'an with Two Skills: Memorization and Deliberation







The Book of Allah, the Exalted and the Majestic is regarded the most sublime, enlightening and comprehensive. It is therefore, a clear guidance to the right path in real sense of the term. It functions as a link between the whole system of the universe and its actual creator, from whom it never can be detached.  As for human being, Allah has provided him with the intellect so that he can find his right path using his free will, although he also has been enjoined to keep his covenant with his creator. The covenant is, by all means, to fulfill his mission as a vicegerent of Allah regarding the establishment of goodwill for his own sake, for the creatures’ sake and for the sake of whole lands on the earth. A successful fulfilment of this covenant would consequently bring about human being’s victory both in this world and the hereafter. The natural bond between human being and this Book has been proven through deductions, analyses and variety of studies over time. It was subsequently revealed that the nature of this very bond is based upon three factors: the intact reading, the memorization and the deliberation. Failure to abide with anyone of these basics results in a considerable flaw of his vicegerency. Therefore, this paper is a methodological study of the reality of human being’s bond with the Qur´an, benefitting from the lectures delivered to the study circles of mosques. A close observation of the common features of the problems faced with the memorizers in different study circles -although the place of each circle is different- also will be exercised.  Yet, without disregarding the basic intents of Qur´an.

Keywords: Reading, Memorization, Deliberation, The holy Qur´an, Methodology, Expertise.



Al-Qur’an al-Karim dianggap sebagai kitab paling luhur, terang dan komprehensif. Ia berfungsi sebagai penghubung antara manusia dan keseluruhan sistem alam semesta yang bergerak kepada Tuhannya tanpa ada pilihan. Bagi manusia, Allah telah menyediakannya dengan akal budi, supaya dia bebas memilih jalan pilihannya, walaupun dia juga telah diarahkan untuk menjaga perjanjiannya dengan memilih jalan yang akan merelisasikan peranannya yang pertama sebagai Khalifah yang beribadah dan bekerja demi kebaikan dirinya dan juga kebaikan orang lain dan negara, demi bahagia di dunia dan akhirat. Ukuran hubungan al-Qur’an dan manusia dapat ditentukan melalui pendekatan induktif dan analisa yang mesti berdasarkan tiga asas: pembacaan yang betul, hafazan, dan penghayatan, kerana kesemuanya merupakan rukun utama. Jika seseorang gagal walaupun dengan satu rukun tersebut maka gagallah dia dalam melaksanakan tugas yang dipertanggungjawabkan sebagai khalifah. Jika kita tidak memahami hakikat kitab suci ini, maka kajian ini bertujuan  mengkaji metodologi hubungan antara manusia dan Al-Qu’ran melalui apa yang dilakukan oleh guru-guru di bengkel dan masjid Al-Qur’an, dan memantau masalah hafalan di majlis umum, walaupun tempat-tempatnya yang berbeza supaya tidaklah jadi al-Qur’an perkara diabaikan.

Kata kunci: al-Qur’an, Pembacaan, Hafazan, Penghayatan, Methodologi, Kemahiran.


بيانات التنزيل غير متوفرة بعد.




كيفية الاقتباس

ELATRASH, R. J. Y., & AHMAD, N. B. (2017). التعامل مع القرآن بمهارتي الحفظ والتدبر: Dealing with al-Qur’an with Two Skills: Memorization and Deliberation. التجديد - مجلة فكرية محكمة, 21(41-B), 233–246. https://doi.org/10.31436/attajdid.v21i41-B.400