أسلمة المعرفة ومنهجيّة التثاقف الحضاري مع الغرب: دراسة في فكر عرفان عبد الحميد فتاح (Islamization of Knowledge and Intercivilizational Encounter with the West: A Study on the Thoughts of 'Irfan 'Abd al-Hameed Fattah)

Islamization of Knowledge and Intercivilizational Encounter with the West: A Study on the Thoughts of 'Irfan 'Abd al-Hameed Fattah


  • نور أمالي بن محمد داؤد (Noor Amali Mohd. Daud)





The question regarding the extent of assimilation of Islamic thought to the western values became a mainstream discourse among Muslim intellectuals particularly upon penetration of Western thought and ideals in the landscape of Islamic thought. Various approaches emerged, and the most identified most are; absolute rejection of western ideas and values, considering the fact that those western ideas are totally against Islam. Secondly, absolute acceptance of those ideas and perceiving them as possible means towards manifesting advancement and progress in Muslim countries. Thirdly, a mediating position which promulgates the idea of embracing all positive domains in the western values and rejecting all their negative elements. Amidst series of intellectual and civilizational discourse on relationship between Islam and the West, the idea of Islamization of Knowledge (IOK) emerge. Proponents of IOK consider the idea as moderate approach in dealing with the western civilization and culture. They come up with certain guidelines for Muslims to have an appropriate dealing with the West, thus enabling them to distinguish between the positive and negative elements in such kind of civilization. This article is an attempt to shed a light on ways of assimilation of the West, by accentuating on the model of IOK and guidelines in dealing with the West formulated by a well-renowned scholar, ‘Irfan 'Abd al-Hameed Fattah. The article also attempts to compare the efforts done by ‘Irfan with earlier proponents IOK, namely; al Faruqi and al-Attas.

Keyword: Islamization of Knowledge, Islamic Thought, Western Thought, Assimilation, 'Irfan 'Abd al-Hameed Fattah.



Sejauh mana asimilasi nilai pandangan alam Barat dalam pemikiran Islam telah menjadi wacana utama intelektual Muslim.Pelbagai pendekatan muncul, pertama; penolakan mutlak nilai-nilai tersebut justeru percanggahannya dengan nilai-nilai Islam.Kedua; penerimaan mutlak apa sahaja bawaan  Barat sebagai kerangka kemajuan dan ketamadunan.Ketiga; Pendekatan jalan tengah, iaitu mengambil segala sisi positif nilai ketamadunan dan pemikiran Barat dan menolak segala sisi negatif.Dalam mendepani kemelut wacana intelektual dan tamadun ini,  gagasan islamisasi ilmu muncul dengan membawa pendekatan yang moderat dan terbaik bagi mendepani cabaran nilai-nilai pandangan alam Barat. Artikel ini cuba mengenegahkan model Islamisasi ilmu yang digagaskan oleh 'Irfan 'Abd al-Hameed Fattah seorang ilmuan terkemuka. Perbandingan antara gagasan Islamisasi ilmu yang dibawa oleh Irfan dengan leluhur Islamisasi ilmu seperti al-Faruqi dan al-Attas juga turut digarap.

Katakunci: Islamisasi Ilmu, Pemikiran Islam, Pemikiran Barat, Asimilasi, 'Irfan 'Abd al-Hameed Fattah.


بيانات التنزيل غير متوفرة بعد.




كيفية الاقتباس

محمد داؤد (Noor Amali Mohd. Daud) ن. أ. ب. (2017). أسلمة المعرفة ومنهجيّة التثاقف الحضاري مع الغرب: دراسة في فكر عرفان عبد الحميد فتاح (Islamization of Knowledge and Intercivilizational Encounter with the West: A Study on the Thoughts of ’Irfan ’Abd al-Hameed Fattah): Islamization of Knowledge and Intercivilizational Encounter with the West: A Study on the Thoughts of ’Irfan ’Abd al-Hameed Fattah. التجديد - مجلة فكرية محكمة, 21(42), 79–96. https://doi.org/10.31436/attajdid.v21i42.413