The Issues of Coexistence between Muslims and Others in the Contemporary Social and Political Reality: A Doctrinal Study based on Maqasid al-Shari'ah

The Issues of Coexistence between Muslims and Others in the Contemporary Social and Political Reality: A Doctrinal Study based on Maqasid al-Shari'ah






The issue of coexistence between different religious groups or what is termed today as the “Fiqh al-Ta’ayush” of coexistence is still new in the contemporary Fiqh studies. Despite that, the history of Islam had revealed that how Muslims had indeed been concerned with the “Other”. The Islamic Syariah itself contains principles and rules on coexistence and relationship between Muslims and the others. Scholars as well had been discussing about the rulings on the relationship with non-Muslims in various number of the topics in Fiqh beginning from the topic of al-ÏahÉrah (hygiene) to the topic of liberating slaves. In this paper, the role of the opinion of the scholars in the context of serving Maqasid al-Shari’ah in treating the issues on the relationship with non-Muslims in the context of the current social and political settings will be discussed. A library research on the related contents will be critically analyzed from the point of view of the opinion of the scholars in the context of serving the Maqasid al-Shari’ah. This would be done in two aspects: first is the theoretical approach to find the basic thought on the understanding of coexistence from the point of view of Islam that would reveal its general principles and the values that determined its directions; within the context of Maqasid al-Shari’ah. The second aspect is to relate the findings from the first aspect with the social and political aspects to arrive at some practical maxims for the coexistence of Muslims with the others since they are now living in a different context than those traditional scholars. The objectives of the study are to uncover the general principles on the coexistence between Muslim and the others, the criteria, rules and issues. It is also to prove the relevance of the Syariah in dealing with some of the most pressing issues in the new global era.

Keyword: Coexistence, Non-Muslims, Followers of Religions, Maqasid al-Shari’ah, al-Ijtihad al-MaqÉÎidÊ, Political Issues, Social Issues, Reality.


Isu-isu kewujudan bersama masyarakat berbilang agama atau istilah terkini “Fiqh Ta’ayush” masih lagi satu cabang baru dalam bidang pengajian fiqh kontemporari, walaupun sejarah Islam telah menunjukkan bahawa ada ulama yang mengambil berat tentang orang-orang Islam dengan yang lain, Shariah Islam mengandungi prinsip dan peraturan untuk hubungan dan hidup bersama antara orang-orang Islam dengan yang lain. Para ulama telah membincangkan hukum hubungan antara orang bukan Islam dalam banyak bab-bab bermula dari bab ÏahÉrah hinggalah membebaskan hamba sahaya. Dan kajian ini membincangkan peranan ijtihad yang memelihara Maqasid al-Shari’ah dalam menyelesaikan isu-isu pergaulan antara kaum bukan muslim dalam kerangka politik dan sosial kontemporari dengan menggunakan kaedah induktif, analisa dan kritikal dari perpektif ijtihad yangmemelihara objektif Shariah. Dan ia ada dua bahagian. Bahagian pertama membincangkan sudut teori  asas fundamental yang mana pengkaji akan menerangkan asas pemikiran dalam konsep kewujudan bersama dalam perpektif islam berdasarkan prinsipnya secara umum dan nilai-nilai murni yang akan menjadi penunjuk arah. Dan kesemua itu ada dalam kerangka Maqasid al-Shari’ah. Manakala bahagian kedua tentang pelaksanaan teori asas yang ditetapkan dari sudut politik dan sosial untuk menerangkan aspek-aspek praktikal yang boleh direalisasikan dalam kewujudan bersama dengan orang bukan Islam yang mana mereka hidup dalam sistem politik dan sosial semasa yang berbeza konteks dengan ulama terdahulu. Dan tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui prinsip-prinsip umum, garis panduan, peraturan, dan paksi untuk fiqh kewujudan bersama antara orang Islam dan bukan Islam untuk membuktikan bahawa undang-undang Islam seiring dengan keadaan-keadaan semasa dunia dalam bidang politik dan sosial.

Kata Kunci: Kewujudan Bersama, Orang Bukan Islam, Penganut  Agama, Maqasid al-Shari’ah, Ijtihad Berteraskan Maqasid al-Shari’ah, Isu Politik, Isu Sosial, Realiti.




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كيفية الاقتباس

ARTALIM, M. (2017). The Issues of Coexistence between Muslims and Others in the Contemporary Social and Political Reality: A Doctrinal Study based on Maqasid al-Shari’ah: The Issues of Coexistence between Muslims and Others in the Contemporary Social and Political Reality: A Doctrinal Study based on Maqasid al-Shari’ah. التجديد - مجلة فكرية محكمة, 21(41-B), 177–222.