الإعجاز النبوي في بيان وظائف الجهاز العصبي: دراسة حديثية في ضوء علم النفس المعاصر

Scientific Miracle in the Explanation of Human Nervous System: A Reading of Hadith in Light of Modern Psychology


  • Syed Muhammad Hasan Graduate Researcher, Department of Qurʾan and Sunnah Studies, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia




nervous system, sympathetic nervous system, love and affection, crisis of Muslim Communities, disunity


Abstract: Disunity, division and wars are a daily picture in the Muslim Communities. They are the poorest and humiliated people in the world, even though among them are the richest people of the land. The Rohingya’s are in the streets without a state and care. Palestinians become foreigners in their own land; they live under the weapons of the Zionists. And the most dangerous things are happening in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Muslims are involved in violence and brutality with their own brothers. This is because of the lack of love, affection and compassion among themselves, that they grow for themselves and despise others. As the truth of the believer he rejoices for the joy of his believing brother and grieves for his sadness as members of the body sympathize with each other. After examining the reality of the believer in the light of the Prophet's Hadith and the reality of the body and its functions in the books of psychology, the researcher intended to reveal the relationship between them and then compare with the conditions of Muslims nowadays.


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How to Cite

Hasan, Syed Muhammad. 2018. “الإعجاز النبوي في بيان وظائف الجهاز العصبي: دراسة حديثية في ضوء علم النفس المعاصر: Scientific Miracle in the Explanation of Human Nervous System: A Reading of Hadith in Light of Modern Psychology”. AL-BURHĀN: JOURNAL OF QURʾĀN AND SUNNAH STUDIES 2 (1). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.:66-82. https://doi.org/10.31436/alburhn.v2i1.83.


