تفاعلات رشيد رضا المنهجية مع مقاصد القرآن: دراسة تحليلية

Rashid Rida's Approach in Interacting with the Objectives of the Holy Qur’an: An Analytical Study


  • Radwan Jamal Elatrash International Islamic University Malaysia




Methodology, Rashid Rida, Interaction, Objectives of the Holy Quran, Analytical Study


This study specifically focuses on Rashid Rida's approach to engaging with the objectives of the Holy Quran, where Rida emphasised that studying and engaging with the objectives of the Quran contributes to the development and education of individuals, elevating their status, integrating their faith, purifying themselves, and enhancing their intellectual, cognitive, and logical abilities. The research aims to demonstrate Rida's methodological approach in interacting with the Quranic objectives and how it contributes to removing traditional, hereditary, and harmful habits from people's minds while striving to instil positive values in their place, thus guiding individuals towards development and achieving human brotherhood.

On another note, this study sheds light on the inductive methodology to trace some of the specific objective ideas embraced by Rashid Rida in his valuable interpretation, adopting an analytical approach to discuss the main objective ideas he engaged with in his interpretation, which made his interpretation distinguished from others. One of the research findings is that Rashid Rida demonstrated through his engagement with the Quranic objectives that there is a contradiction between the objectives of the Quran and the narratives found in interpretation books, as he believes that these narratives distract the reader and obscure the genuine objectives of the Quran. Furthermore, Rashid Rida concluded that his engagement with the Quranic objectives resulted in discovering the unique methods of the Quran, which combine its various objectives, ensuring diversity in content through beliefs, rulings, admonitions, and worship regulations, to capture the attention of the recipient and renew their spirit and understanding.




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How to Cite

Jamal Elatrash, Dr Radwan. 2024. “تفاعلات رشيد رضا المنهجية مع مقاصد القرآن: دراسة تحليلية: Rashid Rida’s Approach in Interacting With the Objectives of the Holy Qur’an: An Analytical Study”. AL-BURHĀN: JOURNAL OF QURʾĀN AND SUNNAH STUDIES 8 (2). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.:54-81. https://doi.org/10.31436/alburhn.v8i2.354.


