Monolithic Interpretation of the Qur’an: Revisiting Selected Verses on Women <br>Penafsiran Monolitik Al- Qur’an: Peninjauan Ayat-Ayat Ter-tentu Mengenai Wanita


  • Mariya Seemin Khan
  • Rosnani Hashim




Numerous Qur’anic verses such as 2:187, 4:19, 4:34, 7:189, and 30:21 deal with and address women, inspiring positively that women have serious role to play  in the development of society. But it seems interpretation of these verses have been influenced by male chauvinism. Most of the Muslim scholars, early as well as contemporary, have tried to prove on the basis of these verses inferiority of womenfolk. This paper represents a humble effort to reflect on the related verses with a view to deriving positive messages rather than negative.

Keywords: Monolithic, the Qur’an, Muslim Scholars, Interpretation, Womenfolk.


Kebanyakan ayat-ayat Al-Quran seperti 2:187, 4:19, 4:34, 7:189, dan 30:21 berurus dengan wanita, memberi inspirasi positif bahawa wanita memainkan peranan yang penting dalam pembangunan masyarakat. Tetapi tafsiran ayat-ayat ini kelihatan seperti ia dipengaruhi oleh kaum lelaki. Kebanyakan para ulama Islam, yang awal dan kontemporari, telah cuba untuk membuktikan kerendahan wanita berdasarkan ayat-ayat ini. Kajian ini merupakan satu usaha untuk memikir mengenai ayat-ayat yang berkaitan dengan tujuan untuk memperolehi mesej yang positif dan bukannya negatif.

Kata Kunci: Monolitik, Al- Qur’an, Ulama Islam, Penafsiran, Kaum Wanita.

Author Biographies

Mariya Seemin Khan

Mariya Seemin Khan completed her Ph.D in the field of Educational Psychology, Kulliyyah of Education, IIUM.

Rosnani Hashim

Professor in the Kulliyyah of Education, IIUM.




How to Cite

Khan, M. S., & Hashim, R. (2015). Monolithic Interpretation of the Qur’an: Revisiting Selected Verses on Women &lt;br&gt;Penafsiran Monolitik Al- Qur’an: Peninjauan Ayat-Ayat Ter-tentu Mengenai Wanita. Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN 2289-8077), 12(2), 232–252.



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