Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN 2289-8077) <p><strong>The Journal of Islam in Asia is published by the International Islamic University Malaysia. It is a peer-reviewed international Arabic-English online journal, published biannually in June and December. Since 2004, Journal of Islam in Asia (JIA) has been a beacon of scholarly excellence and intellectual advancement. The Journal includes articles, selected studies, book reviews, and reports of conferences that are relevant to Islamic thought and Muslim concerns. The Journal sees itself as an instrument to promote IIUM's mission of Integration, Islamization, Internationalization and Comprehensive Excellence. The Editorial Board invites scholars and researchers to submit contributions to the Journal.</strong></p> International Islamic University -Malaysia en-US Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN 2289-8077) 1823-0970 Marriage Choices and Traditions among the Sri Lankan Migrant Workers in Bahrain <p>Family and marriage in Sri Lanka have endured far-reaching changes in recent decades. Starting with the migration from Sri Lanka, particularly after the 1970s, is one of the contributing factors in such family changes. Given that Sri Lanka has been giving greater importance to family and marriage, the present paper attempts to investigate changes in marriage choices, traditions, and marital relationships due to migration. The qualitative research method was utilized, compiling data through semi-structured interviews with thirty Sri Lankan migrant families using a purposive sampling technique, which was analyzed on a thematic basis. Based on the findings, migration was the cause of change in marital choice and traditions since migrants become economically independent and cherish new cultures. The marriage contracts and couple matching among migrant workers had not been spelt out their ancient traditions of Sri Lanka, which leaned more toward love matches. The study has identified the women who migrated as housemaids had formed families with Pakistani and Indian migrant workers, even accepting religious exogamy after arriving in Bahrain based on self-desire. These migrants concealed their personal choice and married without their parent’s concerns and presence. The present study identified that wedlock without proper documents caused their children to be undocumented. Furthermore, the current study revealed that migrant workers who married other nationalities failed to establish fruitful families as their lives ended in divorce due to the lack of knowledge about marital partners and cohesive relationships with them. These findings are significant because of the dearth of literature on marriage migration among Middle Eastern migrants and the range of post-marriage challenges that migrants face in that particular destination. The information explored enriches the literature with a new sociological and empirical study.</p> Mohamed I.M. Aslam Iyad M.Y. Eid Rohaiza Rokis Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN 2289-8077) 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 20 3 197 234 10.31436/jia.v20i3.1167 The Religious Thought of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Father of the Bengali Nation: An Analysis <p>The biography of the father of any nation is considered to be the gateway of motivation. It is imperative to study the life of father of the nation for the greater interest of the nation keeping him above all sorts of controversies and in line with the fact that research on the life of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (1920-1975), father of the Bengali nation is being carried out. His religious devotion is sometimes questioned behind which some political reasons lay hidden. Many consider him anti-Islamic while others believe he was a secular and socialist due to the inclusion of secularism and socialism in the constitution of Bangladesh. Some intellectuals didn`t hesitate to describe him as a sectarian for his devotion and religious activities. It is requisite to clearly understand his religious views and ideology. This article aims to clarify his religious views wiping off the doubts of his religious sentiments. The historical facts and analytical method have been followed in this article. The major findings are that he is not communist in the sense of atheist, nor communalist in the meaning of fundamentalist. He is neither socialist nor secularist in the sense of anti-religiousness.</p> Muhammad Noor Hossain Noor Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN 2289-8077) 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 20 3 235 260 10.31436/jia.v20i3.1172 Implementation of Sharia Digital Payments at the Society in Kediri City: A Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Theory Approach at BSI Mobile Services <p>The aim of this research is to find out how Kediri residents can adopt BSI Mobile service technology. The theoretical framework is based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with quantitative research techniques with 100 respondents using Likert scale measurements on each variable using a five-point Likert scale with SmartPLS tools, Reliability Test, Outer Model Test, Inner Model Analysis, Hypothesis Test through bootstrapping. As a result, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness have a positive and significant impact on actual use of the system, and perceived ease of use has a positive and significant impact on enjoyment of use and perceived usefulness. This will greatly affect the actual use of the system. Perceived ease of use has a positive and significant impact on actual system use through usage choice, while perceived usefulness through usage choice has no impact on actual system use. This study concluded that BSI Mobile service users have a positive effect on the convenience of the people of Kediri city in getting services from Bank Syariah Indonesia.</p> Mundhori Ahmad Syakur Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN 2289-8077) 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 20 3 261 288 10.31436/jia.v20i3.1178 Opulence of Islam in Western Countries: A Study of Muhammad Hamidullah’s Contributions <p>This paper aims to explore the opulence of Islam in Western nations, paying special attention to the contributions of Muhammad Hamidullah, one of the most influential Islamic scholars of the 20th century, whose works have been translated into English, German, Sindhi, and Turkish. His writings have gained widespread acclaim. The paper also examines his writings, demonstrating Muhammad Hamidullah’s bravery. This study holds significance because he maintained the highest standards of academic integrity. The study further examines his contributions to critical areas of Islamic scholarship, including Islamic politics, Hadith literature, Qur’anic translation, Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) biography, and Islamic international law. These areas of study could be a valuable and trustworthy source of information. The study briefly addresses his foreign education, his prolonged stay for research, his acquisition of foreign languages, his strategies for promoting Islam through his writings, and his determination to bring the light of Islam to non-Muslims in order to highlight the splendour of Islam. His writings serve as the primary sources for illuminating the splendour of Islam, and a qualitative content analysis of them has been the methodology employed in this study. Finally, the study provides information about him and his commitment to advancing Islam in the West to a global audience. </p> Syed Iftikhar Ali Gilani Thameem Ushama Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN 2289-8077) 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 20 3 289 308 10.31436/jia.v20i3.1183 Kamal Hassan and the Birth of IIUM: A Retrospective Survey of His Ideas <p>Documented evidence states that IIUM which came to exist in 1983, was the brainchild of Kamal Hassan (1942-2023). As one of the great minds of the Malay world, the task of conceptualizing an Islamic university unlike any other in the Muslim world, was personally an intellectual and educational challenge for Kamal Hassan. As a visionary scholar in a class of his own, he was successful in transforming Malaysia’s dream of establishing an Islamic university, into a reality. The present study which comes under the qualitative paradigm mainly focused on biographical and historical events of the past. In interpreting the relevant data of the study, the researchers have employed the content and textual analysis methods. The research findings indicate that Kamal Hassan’s laborious effort in the establishment of IIUM has yielded positive results. Forty years after its birth, IIUM has shone through the decades as one of the best universities in the Muslim world.</p> Mohd Mumtaz Ali Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN 2289-8077) 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 20 3 309 336 10.31436/jia.v20i3.1190 Malaysia's Potential Revolution: Embracing Gold-Backed Cryptocurrency into International Net Settlement via Blockchain Could Transform Economic and Financial Resilience <p>This research delves into the potential of a gold-backed cryptocurrency as a strategic instrument for international net settlement, leveraging blockchain technology, and assesses its global economic implications. Through a comprehensive evaluation of the efficiencies derived from integrating a gold-backed cryptocurrency, this study critically examines the prevailing use of fiat currency in international net settlement, laying the groundwork for fortified financial resilience within Malaysia's Islamic finance framework. To fulfil the study's overarching objective, a qualitative research methodology was meticulously applied, encompassing content analysis alongside insightful semi-structured interviews. The argument put forth underscores that a cryptocurrency backed by gold represents a superior alternative to fiat currencies in facilitating international net settlement through the robust medium of blockchain technology, ushering in an era characterized by compatibility and enhanced efficiency. Furthermore, this article posits that the revolutionary potential of blockchain will permeate Malaysia's Islamic financial system, aligning with Islamic finance principles and accelerating international net settlement. This integration is poised to usher in an unprecedented era of growth, efficiency, and innovation while adhering to Islamic financial ethics.</p> Irma Naddiya Mushaddik Abdul Wahed Jalal Nori Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN 2289-8077) 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 20 3 337 382 10.31436/jia.v20i3.1188 أثر حسن نية المؤمن له من عدمها على نطاق جزاء البطلان في قانون التأمين العماني (دراسة مقارنة) <p>تناول هذا البحث أثر حسن نية المؤمن له من عدمها على نطاق جزاء البطلان في القانون العماني ومقارنته بالقانونين الأردني والمصري، حيث أن المؤمن له هو الطرف الضعيف في عقد التامين، وان عقد التامين يعتبر من عقود الإذعان فلا يستطيع المؤمن له التغيير في بنود العقد، وقد درجت شركات التأمين وبحكم مركزها الاقتصادي المتغلب إلى تضمين وثائق التأمين جزاءات خاصة توقع على المؤمن له إذا ما اخل بالتزاماته العقدية، هذه الجزاءات تعد جزاءات قاسية بالنسبة للمؤمن له فمنها ما يؤدي إلى بطلان العقد إذا ما اخل المؤمن له بالتزامه المتمثل بالإدلاء ببيانات الخطر الجوهرية أو سقوط حق المؤمن له في مبلغ التأمين إذا ما اخل بالتزاماته المتعلقة بالحادث الموجب لدفع مبلغ التأمين أي بالحادث المؤمن منه سواء ما تعلق بالتزامه بالإعلان عن وقوع الحادث والتزامه بتقديم المستندات والأوراق الدالة على وقوع الحادث أو الالتزام المتعلق بعدم إقرار المؤمن له بالمسؤولية عن الحادث، أو وقف حقه بمبلغ التامين، لذلك كان لابد من تصدي التشريعات لهذا الأمر ووضع ضوابط وقيود تضمن حماية المؤمن له من هذه الجزاءات وخاصة إذا ما كان المؤمن له حسن النية، لذلك نجد أن بعض التشريعات قد نصت على التزامات المؤمن له وعلى الجزاءات الخاصة المترتبة على الإخلال بهذه الالتزامات إلا أنها ضبطت الأمر ولم تتركه على إطلاقه حيث ميزت ما بين المؤمن له حسن النية والمؤمن له سيء النية ووفرت للمؤمن له حسن النية حماية اكبر، وفرضت قيود لتطبيق بعض الجزاءات الخاصة ومن أهمها جزاء البطلان الذي يفرض من قبل المؤمن على المؤمن له في عقد التامين</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>The Impact of The Good Faith of The Insured or Not on The Scope of The Nullity Penalty in The Omani Insurance Law (</strong><strong>A Comparative Study)</strong></p> <p>This research examines the impact of the good faith of the insured party on the scope of nullity penalties in Omani law and compares it with Jordanian and Egyptian laws. The insured party is considered the weaker party in the insurance contract, and since the insurance contract is considered a contract of adhesion, the insured party cannot change the terms of the contract. Insurance companies have included special penalties in their insurance documents, which are imposed on the insured party if they fail to fulfill their contractual obligations. These penalties are harsh for the insured party, and some may even result in the contract being declared null and void if the insured party fails to fulfill their obligation to provide essential risk information or if they violate their obligations related to the accident that is the basis for the insurance payout. Therefore, legislation was necessary to address this issue and establish safeguards to protect the insured party from these penalties, especially if the insured party acted in good faith. Some legislation has stipulated the obligations of the insured party and the special penalties that arise from non-compliance with these obligations, but it distinguished between insured parties with good faith and those with bad faith, providing greater protection for those with good faith. It also imposed restrictions on the application of some special penalties, including the penalty of nullity, which is imposed by the insurer on the insured party in the insurance contract.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Good faith of the insured, Nullity penalty, Omani Insurance Law.</p> عبدالله بن محمد بن عبدالله الفليتي محمد إبراهيم النجاشي Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN 2289-8077) 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 20 3 1 33 10.31436/jia.v20i3.1157 الإسلاموفوبيا والأدب الإسلامي في أمريكا: دور الرواية الأدبية في سرد حقيقة الإسلام ودفع الإسلاموفوبيا: رواية "لو يجب أن أتكلم" لأم زكية انموذجا <p>يُواجه الإسلام و المسلمين و خاصة الأقليات المقيمة في الغرب عددًا من التحديات، مثل الادعاءات الغربية التي تُمارس ضد الإسلام والمسلمين وتنعكس سلبيًّا لتُنتج مختلف الصور النمطية والتحيزات العنصرية ضدهم سواء باستعمال الميديا أو المنشورات الغربية. وعليه؛ يهتم هذ البحث بتسليط الضوء على هذه التحديات و خاصة الاسلاموفوبيا، و دراسات ما بعد الاستعمار و دور الرواية في تصحيح الشبهات و سرد الحقائق حول الإسلام و المسلمين من خلال اتخاذ رواية "لو يجب أن أتكلم" (2000) للكاتبة أم زكية من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. وقد وظَّفت الباحثة المنهج الكيفي غير التجريبي معتمدة على طريقة التحليل الوصفي النظري باستخدام الرواية المختارة كمصدر أوليّ، مع مصادر ثانوية نقدية متوفرة في المكتبة وعلى الشابكة، من مثل الكتب والمقالات الأكاديمي، والمقابلة الشخصية المنشورة التي أجريت مع الكاتبة المختارة، أم زكية. على وجه الخصوص، تحاول هذه الورقة اكتشاف آثار الاسلاموفوبيا على حياة المسلمين في الغرب وطريقة النقد الأدبي في تصحيح هذه النظرة ضمن الذاتية التاريخية، وبعد التحليل والمناقشة؛ ظهرت أدلة كافية على صراعات عدة تواجه الهوية الإسلامية في الغرب، ممّا يؤدي إلى ضياع هوية المسلم بين الأنا والآخر، فمن جهة ترغب الأنا المسلمة في الحفاظ على جوهرية هوية الأصل، ومن جهة أخرى تتعرض الهوية للضياع والتهجين والازدواجية بسبب السياسات العنصرية والثقافة الغربية والشعور بالتغريب، ومن أهمية هذا البحث. كما أثبتت الدراسة أنّ للرواية دور مهم في تصحيح الشبهات و سرد الحقائق، و لذلك نوصي بأسلمة الرواية و الكتاب بتسليط رواياتهم و أقلامهم على سرد الهوية و الثقافة الإسلامية بدل التقليد و التبعية للأدب الغربي دون مراعاة الهوية و مقوماتها</p> <p> </p> <p>Islam has been growing quickly in the world, yet it is a predominately misunderstood religion. Othering Islam through media propaganda and western writings, and mis associating it with some assumptions are still rampant. Thus, the researcher attempts at showing these assumptions stereotypical prejudgments of Islam and Muslims that are commonly associated with Western assumptions resulted in Islamophobia and exploring the role of counter-discourses in contemporary Black-American Fiction by analyzing Umm Zakiyyah’s If I Should Speak and showing to what extents the novel has an important role in correcting assumptions and narrating the Islamic facts. Thus, this article highlights Umm Zakiyyah’s narrative of Islam’s truth within its historical sources the Qur’an and the Sunnah. The paper analyses Umm Zakiyyah’s reconsideration of Islam’s truth, by focusing on the meaning of Islam and being a Muslim. To do so, this qualitative and non-empirical research is conducted in a descriptive-theoretical analysis, using the selected novel as a primary source and library and online critical materials, such as books and journal articles, as secondary references. Based on the analysis, it is found that Umm Zakiyyah narrates Islam and Muslims to counter the West’s negative view on Islam. Furthermore, based on the story, the power of Muslim self-identification within the historical transparent knowledge based on the Quran’s perspectives leads to the conversion of Tamika Douglass, proving that Islam can be perceived positively by non-Muslims; in this case, it is represented within its subjectivity. It is found that the novel can be a tool of Islamic da’wah [call for the faith]. Hence, the Muslim writers and novelists should write to solve the challenges facing Muslims and the Ummah by Islamizing English fiction.</p> نضيرة بريوة رحمة بنت أحمد Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN 2289-8077) 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 20 3 34 61 10.31436/jia.v20i3.1176 نبذة عن تاريخ ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم عموما <p>تشرح هذه الدراسة معنى الترجمة لغة واصطلاحا، ثمّ معنى التفسير لغة واصطلاحا. وتتحدث عن تفسير القرآن الكريم في عصر النبيّ صلى الله عليه وسلم، وكيف كان اهتمام النّبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بشرح الآيات الكريمة لأصحابه، واهتمام الصّحابة والتّابعين ومن تبعهم، ومن اشتهر من الصّحابة والتابعين وتابعي التابعين في هذا المجال. كما تهتم هذه الدراسة على اظهار الترجمات الأولى لمعاني القرآن الكريم في تاريخ قارة أوربا وخاصة لدى الآلبان، لأنّه قليل ما كُتب عنه مع التعرض لمعرفة السبب. ولعل هذه الدراسة تأتي بمعلومات جديدة في هذا الباب. وتوصلنا إلى أنّ مجال التفسير وفهم معاني القرآن الكريم قديم منذ عصر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم. كما بينّا أنّ معاني القرآن الكريم إلى اللغات الأوربية تُرجمت من قبل غير المسلمين كذلك. وأخيرا، وتوصي هذه الدراسة بزيادة الاهتمام والكتابة عن ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم إلى اللغات الأجنبية، وكذلك عن ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم إلى اللغات التي لم تترجم معاني القرآن الكريم بعد</p> <p> </p> <p>This study explains the meaning of translation linguistically and idiomatically, then the meaning of tafsir linguistically and idiomatically. It continues with the interpretation of the Noble Qur’an in the era of the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him), and the interest of the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) to explain the noble verses to his companions, and the interest of the companions, followers and those who followed, and the famous companions, followers and followers of followers in this field. This study is also concerned with showing the first translations of the meanings of the Noble Qur’an in the history of the continent of Europe, especially among Albanians, because little was written and we know about it. This study will help with new information. And we concluded that the field of interpretation and understanding the meanings of the Noble Qur’an is old since the time of the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him). We also realized that the meanings of the Noble Qur’an were translated into European languages ​​by non-Muslims as well. Finally, this study recommends increasing attention and writing about understanding the meanings of the Noble Qur’an into foreign languages, as well as into languages ​​that have not yet translated the meanings of the Noble Qur’an.</p> برات شاشوار هاشاني سعد الدين منصور محمد Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN 2289-8077) 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 20 3 62 86 10.31436/jia.v20i3.1182 التكييف الفقهي لإشتراطات الواقف وموقف التشريع الجزائري :دراسة تحليلية تأصيلية <p>تبحث هذه الدراسة عن حقيقة إشتراطات الواقف بالتكييف الفقهي لها، ومعرفة الضوابط التي تنبني عليها هذه الإشتراطات ليتسنى للواقفين اتباعها ولإدارة الأوقاف السير عليها، تبرز مشكلة البحث في معرفة المراد بالتكييف الفقهي ونطاق تطبيقه على إشتراطات الواقفين،بالإعتماد على آراء الفقهاء الأربعة حولها من الحنفية والمالكية والشافعية والحنابلة ومدى موافقة التشريع الجزائري لها، متبعين المنهج الإستنباطي والإستقرائي والتحليلي، خلصت الدراسة أن عملية التكييف الفقهي لاشنراطات الواقفين مهمة للغاية فهي تحدد مصير الوقف وتعزز الثقة للواقفين في معرفتهم لها حينما يوقفون أملاكهم وتساعد إدارة الأوقاف لمعرفة حدودها وضوابطها، كما نوصي بضرورة إثراء قانون الأوقاف الجزائري بتفاصيل هذه الإشتراطات وحيثياتها وعلم الجمهور بها</p> <p> </p> <p>This article aims to explore how waqif (donor) conditions are adapted from the legal perspective (jurisprudential). This research delves into the meaning of waqif and its relation to the conditions. This study takes into account the opinions of Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi, and Hanbali jurists that align with the Algerian legislation. The research employs inductive and analytical methods. The paper concludes that the process of adapting conditions from a legal standpoint is crucial as it plays a role in determining the fate of endowments and instils confidence in waqifs when they donate their assets. Moreover, it assists endowment administrations in understanding the boundaries and regulations governing these endowments. Additionally, we propose enriching the Algerian endowment laws by including the details about waqif conditions for a broader public awareness on the subject.</p> حياة سي عمار أسماء أكلي صوالحي Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN 2289-8077) 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 20 3 87 137 10.31436/jia.v20i3.1194 تأثير مفهوم "الحاكمية" في تناول سيد قطب لمصطلح الحضارة: دراسة تحليلية نقدية <p>شغل سؤال النهضة والتجديد الحضاري وبناء الحضارة وعي الأمة لعقود من الزمان. وقد أسهم مفكرون وعلماء في خطاب الحضارة، وأغنوه بالأفكار. وكان من الذين أدلوا بدلوهم، وتركوا آثارا في مسيرة خطاب النهضة والإحياء سيد قطب الذي قدم خطابا نهضويًا له مميزاته الخاصة، وأثاره في الأبعاد النظرية والعملية والحركية لقطاع كبير من أبناء الأمة الإسلامية. ويتناول هذا المقال بالتحليل تصور سيد قطب لمفهوم الحضارة، وإلى أي مدى أثرت مفهوم الحاكمية في معالجته للمسألة الحضارية. واستخدم المقال منهج الاستقراء وتحليل النصوص من أجل تبيان رؤية سيد قطب للحضارة. وخلص إلى أن نقاش سيد قطب لمفهوم الحضارة مبني على البعد العقائدي؛ حيث يدور نلحظ فيه تأثير مفاهيم مثل الحاكمية لله والجاهلية المقابلة لها عنده. وأن هذه النظرة تأثرت بالواقع والظروف التي عاشها سيد قطب، وكذلك بتكوينه الفكري والنفسي. ويقترح المقال ضرورة تعميق الدراسة لمفهوم سيد قطب للحضارة وتطبيقاته على مستوى رؤية الحضارة وعلى مستوى إمكانية تجسيدها في الوقع</p> <p> </p> <p>The question of renaissance, cultural renewal, and civilisation-building has occupied the Ummah’s consciousness for decades. Many thinkers and scholars have contributed to the discourse of civilisation and enriched it with ideas. Among those who contributed and left traces in the process of civilisation discourse was Sayyid Qutb, who presented a renaissance discourse and influenced both the theoretical and practical life of a large segment of the people of the Islamic Ummah. This article analyses Sayyid Qutb's perception of the concept of civilisation, and the extent to which the concepts of al Hakimiyyah influenced his view of civilisation. The article uses the method of induction and textual analysis to clarify Sayyid Qutb’s view of civilisation. The study concludes that Sayyid Qutb's discussion of the concept is based on his perception of<em> al</em> <em>Hakimiyyah </em>and its opposite, as per his view of <em>al Jahiliyah</em>. This view is influenced by many factors such as the circumstances that Sayyid Qutb lived in, or his intellectual and psychological formation. The article suggests the need to deepen the study of Sayyid Qutb’s concept of civilisation and its application at the level of the vision of civilisation and at the level of the possibility of its embodiment.</p> شاكيرا عالي ساكون عبد العزيز برغوث Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN 2289-8077) 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 20 3 138 171 10.31436/jia.v20i3.1195 ظاهرة الاقتراض اللغوي في اللغة التاميلية من اللغة العربية <p>تعد ظاهرة الاقتراض من أبرز الظواهر اللغوية التي تكاد تطرد كل لغات العالم، وهي التي تقوم بين اللغات من خلال استعارة بعضها من بعض عناصر لغوية؛ صوتيةٍ لفظيةٍ وصرفيةٍ وإعرابيةٍ، ولا سيما من ناحية الألفاظ، باعتبار أن هذه العملية تسهم في إثراء اللغة المنقول إليها وتطويرها؛ من خلال جعل تلك الألفاظ جزءً لا يتجزأ في قاموس اللغة المتلقية. واللغة التاميلية التي اللغة الأم لمعظم مسلمي سريلانكا ليست خارجة عن هذه الظاهرة، بل من خلال احتكاكها باللغة العربية أدخَلت إلى قاموسها ألفاظًا عربيةً، ولهذا فإن الدراسة تهدف إلى الكشف عن دوافع الاقتراض اللغوي اللفظي في اللغة التاميلية من العربية، وكذلك تسليط الضوء على نماذج من الكلمات المقترضة بقصد تحديدها وفق أنواع الاقتراض اللغوي التي أشار إليها علماء اللغة المحدثون، فضلا عن تصنيف تلك الكلمات على حسب الموضوعات. ولتحقيق الأهداف المنشودة يعتمد الباحثون على منهج الملاحظة الذي يتمّ بالمراقبة الدقيقة لظاهرة الاقتراض اللفظي في التاميلية من العربية في تعاملات لغوية لدى مسلمي سريلانكا، وكذلك المنهج الاستقرائي لمحاولة تتبع نماذج مقترضةٍ لغويةٍ تضمنتها الكتب الإسلامية التاميلية المكتوبة بالحروف العربية. توصلت هذه الدراسة إلى نتائج مهمة، ومنها: أن هناك دوافع خاصة أدت إلى اندماج الكلمات العربية في التاميلية، بجانب الأسباب العامة التي ترجع إليها استعارة أي لغة من لغة أخرى، وكذلك فإن التاميلية اقترضت أحيانا من العربية كلماتٍ واستخدمتها على حالها دون أي تغيير في صيغتها وصوتها؛ وهو ما يسمى الاقتراض الكامل، وأحيانا أخرى ظلت الكلمات المقترضة متأثرةً بالنظام الصوتي للتاميلية؛ وأُطلِق عليها اقتراضا معدّلا، وأيضا يمكن تصنيف النماذج المقترضة على عدة موضوعات: دعوية، ودينية، وفقهية؛ وعقدية وغير ذلك</p> <p> </p> <p>Linguistic borrowing is one of the most prominent phenomena in possibly all the languages of the world, and it occurs between languages through borrowing from each other linguistic elements. These can phonetic, morphological, and grammatical, especially in terms of words, considering that this process contributes to enriching and developing the language to which it is transferred. The Tamil language, which is the mother tongue of most Sri Lankan Muslims, is not outside of this linguistic borrowing phenomenon. Rather, through its contact with the Arabic language, it introduced Arabic words into its dictionary. Therefore, the study aims to reveal the motives for verbal linguistic borrowing in the Tamil language from Arabic, as well as to shed light on examples of words. Borrowed words with the aim of identifying them according to the types of linguistic borrowing indicated by modern linguists, as well as classifying those words according to topics. To meet this goal, the researchers rely on the observational approach, which is carried out by carefully monitoring the phenomenon of verbal borrowing in Tamil from Arabic in linguistic interactions among Sri Lankan Muslims. Similarly, inductive approach is used to try to trace linguistic borrowing models included in Tamil Islamic books written in Arabic letters. The research finds that, although there are several general reasons to linguistically borrow from one language to another, the linguistic borrowing from Arabic to Tamil is characterized by some particular motives. Additionally, Tamil borrows words from Arabic and uses them verbatim without altering their original form or pronunciation. Complete borrowing occurs when the borrowed words are unchanged by the Tamil phonetic system; modified borrowing occurs when the borrowed words are altered by the Tamil phonetic system. And the borrowed models can also be classified on several topics: advocacy, religious, and jurisprudential. Contractual and so on.</p> محمد غوث محمد إنصاف عبد الرؤوف محمد معصوم محمد حفيز محمد شريف عاصم شحادة صالح علي Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN 2289-8077) 2024-01-04 2024-01-04 20 3 172 196 10.31436/jia.v20i3.1177