Imposition of Divine Obligations (Taklif) As a Trust (Amanah) Entrusted to Mankind and the Wisdom behind It: An Exposition of Verse 72 & 73 of Al-Ahzab in Shah Wali Allah Al-Dehlawi’s Hujjat Allahi Al-Balighah (Part 1)


  • Mohammed Farid Ali al-Fijawi Asst. Prof. Dr, Kulliyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia.



Shah Wali Allah al-Dehlawi asserted that the term “amanah” in verse 72-73 of al-Ahzab, implies taklif (Imposition of Divine Obligation) on the human being. He explained that taklif constitutes three important elements namely, imposing Divine obligations, option to obey and disobey, and reward and punishment. All creations (makhluqat) of Almighty Allah is bound by a set of laws by the Creator, but these three elements draw a line of distinction between them and the humans. In order to argue this as a wisdom behind taklif, al-Dehlawi presented two types of arguments, revealed arguments (dalil naqli) and rational argument (dalil ‘aqli). In this academic note (part 1), we are covering the first argument.      

  Keywords: Amanah (trust), Hujjat Allah al-Balighah, Shah Wali Allah al-Dehlawi, taklif (Divine Obligation), mukallaf.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Ali al-Fijawi, M. F. . (2021). Imposition of Divine Obligations (Taklif) As a Trust (Amanah) Entrusted to Mankind and the Wisdom behind It: An Exposition of Verse 72 & 73 of Al-Ahzab in Shah Wali Allah Al-Dehlawi’s Hujjat Allahi Al-Balighah (Part 1). Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN 2289-8077), 18(2), 159–165.