منهج القرآن الكريم في إدارة السلوك الإنساني: دراسة تحليلية

(The Qur’anic Approach in Managing Human Behaviour: An Analytical Study)


  • رضوان جمال يوسف الأطرش (Radwan Jamal Elatrash)
  • روضة الفردوس بنت فتاح ياسين (Raudlotul Firdaus Bt Fatah Yasin)






Despite the large number of efforts and scientific studies on general behaviours and the principles of human ethics in the books of Tazkiyat al-Nafs (purification of the self'), studies on understanding the motives for these behaviours are severely lacking, and this is why several problems arose about the motives of human behaviour among our Muslim scholars. That is why this research aims to raise some hidden materials about human behaviour and to reveal the dimensions of the Qur’anic approach in its management. This study attempts to add a new building block to the efforts of those who preceded in this field through investigation and focus on the approach framework of the wise Qur’an in its view of the motives of human behaviour, the view of ancient and modern commentators and some special studies in psychology. The nature of this research requires reliance on both inductive and analytical methods. The article is based on two pillars: showing the features of the Quranic management of human behaviour, and the second pillar: it specializes in talking about human behaviour and highlighting its types and repercussions. In order to reach important results, chief among them: that the Qur’an is one of the greatest sources that talk about human behaviour and its motives. And that human behaviour is divided into two main parts, considering their motives: there are good motives, and bad motives. There is also a close link between human behaviour and his convictions and beliefs, and behavioural deviation is evidence of incomplete faith in the soul.

Keywords: Approach, the Qur’an, management, human behaviour, motives of behaviour.


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How to Cite

رضوان جمال يوسف الأطرش, & روضة الفردوس بنت فتاح ياسين. (2022). منهج القرآن الكريم في إدارة السلوك الإنساني: دراسة تحليلية: (The Qur’anic Approach in Managing Human Behaviour: An Analytical Study). At-Tajdid - Intellectual Refereed Journal, 26(52), 9–33. https://doi.org/10.31436/attajdid.v26i52.663