فقه الأولويات وأثره على أهم الإجراءات العبادية والصحية لمواجهة جائحة كوفيد- 19: دراسة فقهية

(The Jurisprudence of Priorities (al-Awlawiyyat) and Its Impact on the Most Important Devotional and Health Procedures to Confront the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Islamic Jurisprudence Study)


  • سلمان دعيج بوسعيد (Salman Duaij Busaeed)





The study tries to explain the relation of the Islamic jurisprudence of priorities (fiqh al-Awlawiyyat) with the measures taken to deal with emerging corona virus (Covid 19), especially with the continued impact of the pandemic on the world until the time of submission of this article. The research problem focused on explaining the influence of the jurisprudence of priorities on the most important rituals (ʿIbādah) and health measures taken to confront the Corona pandemic, most notably with regard to suspending prayer in mosques, limiting the number of pilgrims, quarantine and health isolation, the vaccination against it and the requirement for a medical examination before travelling. All of these are as sanctioned by the contemporary global fatwas related to the religious and health aspects in the era of this pandemic. For this purpose, the research used the inductive and analytical descriptive approach. Among the conclusions of the study are: the permissibility of suspending congregational and Friday prayers, determining the number of pilgrims, and suspending Umrah to prevent the spread of the pandemic among people are based on the Sharīʿa principle of considering the public interests and preventing evils in the Islamic law. It is also concluded that it is permissible to isolate those infected with the Coronavirus, the indirect compulsion to vaccinate by restricting the entry of pilgrims to some places is also in accordance with the principle of allowing the authority to implement restrictions to what is originally permissible. In the same vein, it is also permissible to prioritize certain target groups in the society to be given vaccination with the new anti-Coronavirus vaccine.

Keywords: Islamic jurisprudence, procedures, pandemic, Covid-19, effects


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How to Cite

(Salman Duaij Busaeed) س. د. ب. (2022). فقه الأولويات وأثره على أهم الإجراءات العبادية والصحية لمواجهة جائحة كوفيد- 19: دراسة فقهية: (The Jurisprudence of Priorities (al-Awlawiyyat) and Its Impact on the Most Important Devotional and Health Procedures to Confront the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Islamic Jurisprudence Study). At-Tajdid - Intellectual Refereed Journal, 25(26), 263–297. https://doi.org/10.31436/attajdid.v25i26.659