المعجم اللفظي والحقول الدلالية في رواية الروائي الكويتي إسماعيل فهد إسماعيل "طيور التاجي"

(Language Corpus and Semantic Fields in the Novel “Tuyur al-Taji” by Kuwaiti Novelist Ismail Fahd Ismail)


  • Eman Al Mulla (إيمان سعد عبد الرحمن الملاَّ)
  • Asem Shehadeh Ali (عاصم شحادة علي)




The term “poetic diction” has become common among critics and researchers as if these words are limited to poetry, without regard to novels. If fact, prose works can have unique diction just like poems. Thus, stylistic studies should not be limited to poetry, especially with reference to a corpus of language. Poets and novelists both try to convey their experience through literary works that express their wealth of diction and variety of words. This variety is an indicator of language mastery and sophistication, according to many critics and linguists. Hence, this study statistically measures the semantic variety in “Al-Taji Birds” and outlines its unique style.

Keywords: Ismail Fahd Ismail, Novel, Language corpus, Variety in diction, Semantic fields.


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How to Cite

Al Mulla (إيمان سعد عبد الرحمن الملاَّ) E., & Shehadeh Ali (عاصم شحادة علي) A. (2019). المعجم اللفظي والحقول الدلالية في رواية الروائي الكويتي إسماعيل فهد إسماعيل "طيور التاجي" : (Language Corpus and Semantic Fields in the Novel “Tuyur al-Taji” by Kuwaiti Novelist Ismail Fahd Ismail). At-Tajdid - Intellectual Refereed Journal, 23(46), 67–97. https://doi.org/10.31436/attajdid.v23i46.534