الحِجَاج في شعر أحمد مطر

(Argumentation in the Poems of Ahmad Matar)


  • Zayed Khawaledah (زايد محمد ارحيمة الخوالدة)





The study tries to trace the argumentation mechanisms in the poem of Ahmad Matar to establish a view that it is possible for a poem to contain argumentation mechanisms as the result of certain belief of the poet of which he would like to influence and assert on his audience. Since Ahmad is a rebellious and resentful towards the reality, he tries to uncover the pain, distress, poverty, lie and power that were practised by the authorities towards their subjects. Thus, he tries to change the reality by convincing his audience with the truth about these authorities through his poems by including several argumentation mechanisms as found in the argumentative conjunctions and other extra linguistic devices such as irony, question, dialogue and intertextuality. The researcher views that irony and intertextuality have argumentative dimension due to what they project in terms of contradictions and contrasts that happened to be the fundamentals of argumentation. In this light the poet resorts to it to influence his audience and assert his view on certain issue.

Keywords: Poem, Argumentation, Ahmad Matar, Rejection, Rebellion.


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How to Cite

Khawaledah (زايد محمد ارحيمة الخوالدة) Z. . (2019). الحِجَاج في شعر أحمد مطر: (Argumentation in the Poems of Ahmad Matar). At-Tajdid - Intellectual Refereed Journal, 23(45), 37–60. https://doi.org/10.31436/attajdid.v23i45.498