Standards of Total Quality Management in the Awqaf Foundation and its Islamic rooting


  • سليمان هارون يعقوب عرب Sulaiman Haroon Yaqoob Arab
  • عارف علي عارف Arif Ali Arif
  • حسام موسى شوشه Hossam Moussa Shousha



Standards, Total Quality Management, Awqaf Foundation, Islamic rooting.


This research aims to establish comprehensive quality standards and clarify the extent of their application in charitable institutions (Awqaf), especially the Awqaf and Minors' Affairs Foundation in Dubai, and the research problem is that many theories remain merely theories in many institutions, It does not show an apparent effect for various reasons, The research used the inductive method to track what is related to comprehensive quality standards and the implications of their application in the Awqaf and Minors Affairs Foundation in Dubai, and the analytical method was used by studying these standards and the extent of their applicability in the Arab environment and endowment institutions, and the problem they may face. The research reached a number of results, the most important of which are: The necessity of working to activate the comprehensive quality standards in the Awqaf and Minors Affairs Foundation in Dubai. And that the total quality standards are still nothing more than theorizing and not a practical reality. Also, applying the comprehensive quality standards in the endowment (Waqf) institution helps in increasing the profits of the institution and developing the suspended funds. On the other hand, comprehensive quality standards are one of the most important ways to increase sustainable development.


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How to Cite

Sulaiman Haroon Yaqoob Arab س. ه. ي. ع., Arif Ali Arif ع. ع. ع., & Hossam Moussa Shousha ح. م. ش. (2020). Standards of Total Quality Management in the Awqaf Foundation and its Islamic rooting. Al-Risalah: Journal of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (ARJIHS), 4(1), 245–273.

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