The Conceptual Evolution of the Term “Religiosity” in Islamic Thought (Evolusi Konseptual Istilah Keberagamaan (Religiousity) dalam Pemikiran Islam)


  • Sekou Marafa Toure Assistant Professor in the Department of Theology – Faculty of Sharia and Islamic Studies in the University of Sharjah.



Discrepancies in the interpretation of revelation, its application and the adherence to it can be observed among the ranks of Muslim scholars. These differences are a result of the often-obscure gaps between theory and practice, between religious texts and the jurisprudential discretion of the scholars, between actions and those who carry them out, and between one’s understanding and his behaviour. However, questions arise as to whether or not each manifestation of religiosity can be representative of religion, and if every understanding of religion can be portrayed as a form of religiosity. This study aims to explain the difference between religion and religiosity lexically, from the perspective of the connotations of their definitions and the stages the latter has undergone. The researcher will adopt an inductive approach in the study of the interest taken in religiosity throughout history. He will also adopt the analytical approach in the study of whether or not religion and religiosity are the same and in the clarification of the reasons behind the emphasis on religiosity. From among the most important findings of this research is that the concept of religiosity has undergone several temporal phases in Islamic thought and that the current events impacted the focus of the scholars on a particular aspect and perspective of the word.

Keywords: Concept of religiosity, exigencies of faith, Islamic thought.


Perbezaan dalam mentafsir, mengamal dan mematuhi wahyu dapat diperhatikan dalam kalangan pelbagai lapisan ulama Islam. Perbezaan ini muncul disebabkan oleh jurang yang sering tidak jelas antara teori dan amal, antara teks agama dan kebijaksaanaan fiqh para ulama, antara tindakan dan mereka yang melaksanakannya, serta antara kefahaman seseorang individu dengan perlakuannya. Namun, timbul persoalan; adakah setiap manifestasi keberagamaan (kewarakan, ketakwaan, kesalihan) berupaya memanifestasikan agama, dan adakah setiap kefahaman tentang agama dapat dimanifestasikan sebagai suatu bentuk keberagamaan? Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan perbezaan antara agama dan keberagamaan secara leksikal, dari perspektif konotasi definisinya dan peringkat-peringkat yang telah dilalui oleh istilah keberagamaan ini. Pengkaji akan menggunakan pendekatan induktif dalam kajiannya mengenai keberagamaan merentasi sejarah. Pengkaji juga akan mengambil pendekatan analitikal dalam mengkaji sama ada agama dan keberagamaan adalah sama, dan dalam menjelaskan sebab sebalik penekanan yang lebih diberikan kepada keberagamaan. Antara dapatan utama kajian ini adalah bahawa konsep keberagamaan telah melalui beberapa fasa temporal dalam pemikiran Islam, dan peristiwa semasa pada satu-satu masa mempengaruhi fokus para ulama terhadap aspek tertentu dan perspektif perkataan beragama.

Kata Kunci: konsep keberagamaan, tuntutan kepercayaan, pemikiran Islam.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Toure, S. M. . (2020). The Conceptual Evolution of the Term “Religiosity” in Islamic Thought (Evolusi Konseptual Istilah Keberagamaan (Religiousity) dalam Pemikiran Islam). Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN 2289-8077), 17(1), 356–379.



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