Two Sides of Modernity and Its Architecture (Dua Sisi Kemodenan dan Senibina)


  • Spahic Omer Associate Professor, Department of Fundamental & Inter-Disciplinary Studies, KIRKHS, IIUM.



This paper discusses the two-sidedness of modernity and its architectural evolution. The paper concludes that modernity was exclusively a Western concept exported to the rest of the world. It was incubated by the weakening and marginalization of Christianity as a worldview and way of life, the rise of capitalism, and the worship-like attitude towards science and technology in everyday life. The world of architecture, especially its modernist school of thought and style, clearly reverberated such developments. Since its inception, modernity recognized no spiritual power or authority. It held inviolable only man and his capacities, plus his rapid scientific and technological progress.

Keywords: Modernity, Architecture, Man, Progress, West.


Makalah ini membincangkan dua aspek kemodenan dan evolusi seni bina. Makalah ini menyimpulkan bahawa kemodenan adalah pemikiran Barat yang dieksport ke seluruh dunia. Ia dicetuskan oleh kelemahan dan perpecahan ajaran Kristian sebagai satu mazhab dan amalan hidup, kebangkitan kapitalisme, dan ketaksuban terhadap sains dan teknologi dalam kehidupan seharian. Dunia seni bina, terutamanya institusi pendidikan senibina aliran moden jelas menyokong kaedah dan gaya pemikiran tersebut. Sejak penularannya, kemodenan tidak mengiktiraf kuasa atau kuasa rohani. Ia berpegang kepada pendapat bahawa hanya kesucian terletak pada manusia dan keupayaannya, serta kemajuan saintifik dan teknologi yang pesat.

Kata Kunci: Kemodenan, Seni bina, Manusia, Kemajuan, Barat.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Omer, S. (2019). Two Sides of Modernity and Its Architecture (Dua Sisi Kemodenan dan Senibina). Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN 2289-8077), 16(2), 321–347.