Significant Design Values for Outdoor Learning Environment in Higher Learning Institutions




Higher learning institution is the place where knowledge of many different disciplines of educational programs is concentrated and disseminated to students. In tertiary education system, beside gaining knowledge, students are engaging in diverse social, economic, and cultural activities. In the contemporary formal learning system at higher learning institution, students have minimal exposure to outdoor learning activities because they are using exam oriented educational programs. In addition, the utilization of outdoor spaces for learning is perceived as giving discomfort for learning, because there is not enough provision of learning tools and facilities. This study has the objective to identify the most recent characters of outdoor learning setting that are significant for effective higher educational programs.  Review of recent scholars’ works is conducted to develop a design framework for outdoor learning in the higher learning institution and later, survey questionnaire is conducted to validate the significance of identified design characters. This study would highlight the characters of outdoor learning spaces, as parts of the significant design values in developing and improving students’ learning experience at tertiary level. The information generated from this study may benefits the policy makers,  the higher education authorities, designers, academicians, and future students, with a greater understanding on how to design and utilize successful outdoor learning space at higher learning institutions.

Author Biography

Fadzidah Abdullah, International Islamic University Malaysia

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fadzidah Abdullah  has been working in IIUM for more than 22 years. In 1998, she was among those pioneers who worked hard into establishing the Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design (KAED), International Islamic University Malaysia. Prior to become an academician, Dr. Fadzidah had experienced working in private architectural firm for 3 years, and later in Public Work Department of Malaysia (JKR) for another 3 years. Dr. Fadzidah has held some administrative posts such as Head of Department of Architecture, and Academic Advisor; for both programs of Bachelor of Architecture, and Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies.

Dr. Fadzidah Abdullah completed her PhD in Architecture in 2006, at the University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom. In 2001, she was conferred with M.Sc. in Computer Aided Environmental Design (CAED), at the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom. She obtained her first degree in Bachelor of Architecture, from Texas Technology University, United States, in December 1992.

Dr. Fadzidah is actively involved in doing research in the area of architectural education, architectural heritage, inclusive design, and computer aided design (CAD). She also has the interest on advancing architectural education using contemporary technology, by expanding the usage of virtual reality into exploring the potential of augmented reality in CAD. Dr. Fadzidah Abdullah has published more than 100 articles in journals, conference papers, and books. She has been appointed as co-editors for several journal at national and international levels.




How to Cite

Abdullah, F., Yaman, M., Sanusi, A. N. Z., Asif, N. ., & Salim, F. (2021). Significant Design Values for Outdoor Learning Environment in Higher Learning Institutions. Journal of Architecture, Planning and Construction Management (JAPCM), 11(1).

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