Chronology of Multi Minarets in Mosques


  • Hisham Abdel Monem



The prophet's holy mosque in Madinah built from the beginning plain and simple reflects the spirit of Islam, without luxury, massiveness or even minaret. The first minaret was erected by the Caliph Muawiya in 45/665 as a stone tower added to the mosque in Basra, Iraq. The first multi minarets appeared in 53/673 at the mosque of Amr Ibn al-Aas, Fustat, Egypt, as corner minarets (sawami) at the behest of Muawiya. The idea of multi minarets spread as individual cases during the first five centuries of Islamic Ages, until appeared as a feature of Seljuk style, which considered the inspiring for styles in Ilkhanid, Timurid and Safavid periods, By built two (pair) minarets on both sides of the entrance (Iwan), Friday mosque, Isfahan, Iran, considered a clear and first example. Mughol Style in India and Pakistan followed Timurid Style; minarets were often used to flank entrances in Imperial Mosques. The number of minarets increased in mosques plans during Ottoman period, by built corner minarets in closed place or courtyard of the mosque. We used to see multi minarets in mosques so far, Especially in Capitals of Islamic countries. This Paper considers an attempt to determine the chronology of multi minarets in mosques through The Islamic Ages and clarify the appearance of multi minarets as individual cases until converting and spreading as a feature of style. It also covers some other important points such as the placement of multi minarets in mosques plan, the function of Multiplicity minarets and its effects on Islamic content.




How to Cite

Hisham Abdel Monem. (2020). Chronology of Multi Minarets in Mosques . Journal of Architecture, Planning and Construction Management (JAPCM), 3(2).