A Brief Survey of the Anjuman-i Islam in Colonial Malaya (Suatu Tinjaun Ringkas Mengenai Anjuman-i Islam di Malaya)
The Anjuman-i-Islam was established in 1921, following the visit of Khwaja Kamaluddin to Singapore and other states in the Peninsula. This study discusses the establishment of the Anjuman-i-Islam during the early twentieth century, as a response to the British growing influence in Malaya. The British administrators were cautious in their treatment of the Muslim matters, which were and still are regarded as very sensitive issues. At the same time, they were suspicious of any activity, which could potentially undermine their position in Malaya. After covering the history of the foundation of the Anjuman-i-Islam, the paper describes the major activities of this association especially in printing. Moreover, it analyses the major achievements as well as challenges facing this Islamic association. It also examines the membership and leadership structure of the Anjuman-i-Islam. Finally, it analyses the attitude of the Anjuman-I-Islam towards the issue of the Caliphate. This study adopts the method of content analysis by investigating the archival materials (such as diplomatic and official memoirs and diaries, British official records, contemporary newspapers, magazines and periodicals). These primary sources are obtained from the National Archives in Kuala Lumpur and its branches, the Library of University Malaya, the Za’ba Memorial Library, the National Archives of United Kingdom, and the British Library.
Keywords: Anjuman-I Islam, Malay-Muslims, Indian-Muslims, British and Caliphate.
Anjuman-i-Islam telah ditubuhkan pada tahun 1921, ekoran lawatan Khwaja Kamaluddin ke Singapura dan negeri-negeri di Semenanjung Tanah Melayu. Makalah ini membincangkan penubuhan Anjuman-i-Islam pada awal kurun ke-20 sebagai satu tindak balas dalam menghadapi kekuasaan Inggeris yang semakin kuat di Malaya. Para pentadbir Inggeris amat berhati-hati berurusan dalam hal ehwal berkenaan Muslim kerana urusan ini dianggap sangat sensitif. Dalam masa yang sama, pentadbir Inggeris curiga terhadap sebarang aktiviti yang boleh menjejaskan kedudukan mereka di Malaya. Selepas membincangkan sejarah penubuhan Anjuman, artikel ini menghuraikan aktiviti-aktiviti utama persatuan ini terutamanya di bidang penerbitan. Ia juga menganalisis pencapaian dan cabaran yang dihadapi persatuan ini. Ia turut menyentuh tentang keahlian dan struktur kepimpinan Anjuman-i-Islam. Akhirnya ia membincangkan sikap Anjuman terhadap isu Khilafah. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah analisis kandungan dengan meneliti data arkib (seperti perjanjian, memoir dan diari, dokumen rasmi Britain, suratkhabar dan jurnal). Data ini diperolehi daripada Arkib Negara di Kuala Lumpur dan cawangan-cawangannya; Perpustakaan Univerisiti Malaya, Perpustakaan Memorial Za’ba, Arkib Negara Britain dan Perpustakaan Britain.
Kata Kunci: Anjuman-i Islam, Melayu-Muslim, India-Muslim, British dan Khilafah.
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