IIUM Journal of Religion and Civilisational Studies (IJRCS)


Current Issue

Vol. 7 No. 1 (2024): IIUM Journal of Religion and Civilisational Studies
					View Vol. 7 No. 1 (2024): IIUM Journal of Religion and Civilisational Studies

This June 2024   issue   of   IIUM   Journal   of   Religion   and   Civilisational Studies comprises various topics particularly related to Islamic history and civilization, as well as Islamic philosophy and political ideas. In addition, a few contemporary issues such as women empowerment, the rights of indigenous people and Covid-19 pandemic are included therein.

Published: 2024-07-01

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IIUM Journal of Religion and Civilisational Studies (IJRCS) is a peer-reviewed online scholarly journal in English, published biannually in June and December by the Kulliyah (Faculty) of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia.

Aims and Scope: IJRCS offers an international platform for awakening the civilisational potential of the Islamic heritage. The aim and scope of the Journal covers the wide-ranging themes and issues that deal with religion and civilisational studies, and embraces both Islamic and conventional approaches. It accommodates the diverse approaches within civilisational studies including revitalising synergies between Islamic and other civilisations, renewal of Muslim societies, the conceptual and societal transformation of Muslims and other societies, and the prospects of dialogue and peaceful co-existence of world civilisations. A comparative study of religion and civilisational studies are given high consideration.

IJRCS invites scholarly contributions of research articles, viewpoints and book reviews mainly holistic in nature from Malaysian and international academicians and Postgraduate students.