IIUM Journal of Religion and Civilisational Studies



About The Journal

IIUM Journal of Religion and Civilisational Studies (IJRCS) is a peer-reviewed online scholarly journal in English, published biannually in June and December by the Kulliyah (Faculty) of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia.

The aim and scope of the Journal cover the wide-ranging themes and issues that deal with religion and civilisational studies, and embraces both Islamic and conventional approaches. It accommodates the diverse approaches within civilisational studies including revitalising synergies between Islamic and other civilisations, renewal of Muslim societies, the conceptual and societal transformation of Muslims and other societies, and the prospects of dialogue and peaceful co-existence of world civilisations. A comparative study of religion and civilisational studies are given high consideration.

Author Guidelines

The IIUM Journal of Religion and Civilisational Studies is a journal for publication of peer-reviewed original research papers, not published previously or submitted concurrently for publication elsewhere. The article must be written in grammatically sound and lucid prose, and follow the methodology of research used in the field of social sciences and humanities. The manuscript should follow the following standards:

1. Format

Manuscripts should be in WORD FORMAT.

2. Font

The font type is Times New Roman, double-spaced (before & after Spacing: 0 pt.) on A4 sized paper with margins of 1.25” on both the right and left side of the page and 1” on the top and bottom of the page. Each paragraph should be indented.

3. Abstract

Contributors should include a brief abstract of content between 150 and 200 words for each research article. This should be followed by a maximum of 6 keywords in the article, and a brief biographical statement of the author (85 words maximum) for any types of manuscripts.

4. Writing and Referencing Styles

The manuscripts must follow the American Psychological Association (APA) style of citation and reference. References list should be provided at the end of a manuscript with the full list of bibliographical references cited in the manuscript.

5. Submission

Authors are to submit their articles or viewpoints online at https://journals.iium.edu.my/irkh/index.php/ijrcs. Deadline for submission for June 2024 Issue is 30th March 2024