Seyyed Hossein Nasr and Traditionalism


  • Mehmet Vural Academic


Seyyed Hussein Nasr, Traditionalism, Modernism, Secularism, Sufism


In this study, the basic views of Seyyed Hossein Nasr, one of the contemporary Islamic thinkers, on Traditionalism have been analysed. Nasr, one of the leading figures of the Traditionalism movement, has written in many fields from art to architecture, from science to philosophy, from religion to literature, and in these works he has tried to examine issues from a Traditionalist perspective. According to Nasr, one of the main problems facing the Islamic world today lies in the modernist and secular worldview and the view of nature, science and technology. According to him, modernism has brought anthropocentrism, unprincipledness, reductionism, progressivism and evolutionism. These have not been for the good of humanity and have led to wrong paths. He proposes the rediscovery of Tradition as a solution to today's individual and social problems. Nasr's identification of the problems in this way and his solution proposals have also received some criticism, and it has been stated that Tradition and Sufism, which are presented as solution proposals, will be insufficient in solving the problems. However, his criticisms and thoughts, especially his views on Traditionalism, are followed with interest.


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How to Cite

Vural, M. (2024). Seyyed Hossein Nasr and Traditionalism. IIUM Journal of Religion and Civilisational Studies, 7(1), 126–141. Retrieved from