New Technology Era, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Basic, Scope of Jurisprudence, Jurisprudence ResponseAbstract
In the current era of advanced technology, the convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data presents intricate challenges in the technical and doctrinal aspects of law and the fundamental principles of jurisprudence. Addressing this challenge entails three potential approaches: reevaluating the independent status of specific foundational categories, reconfiguring the interpretation of such categories, or steadfastly defending and enhancing our understanding of specific classifications. The reconstruction of the essential concept of "law" remains uncertain and necessitates further deliberation. Although the new technological era has not introduced entirely novel jurisprudential dilemmas, it has reconsidered existing perspectives. Swiftly and effectively responding to these challenges becomes paramount in seizing fresh opportunities for the independent advancement of Chinese jurisprudence. The purpose of the study is to push the boundaries of jurisprudence by exploring and addressing legal issues arising in the era of technological advancements. The qualitative research methodology has been applied in this article.
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