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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • 1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • 2. A Title page and an anonymised version of the manuscript is submitted.
  • 3. A semi-structured abstract (and for Malaysian authors, a Bahasa Melayu abstract as well) and minimum of five key words are included.
  • 4. The manuscript adheres to the formatting requirements of the journal and footnotes system i.e. Chicago Manual (latest edition) as outlined in the Author Guide below.

  • 5. I undertake, on behalf of myself and my co-authors, that:

    5.1 The article is original and does not infringe any existing copyright or any other third party rights;

    5.2 I am authorized by my co-authors to submit this manuscript;

    5.3 I am/we are the sole author(s) of the article and have full authority to enter into this agreement and in
    granting rights to IIUMLJ are not in breach of any other obligation;

    5.4 The article contains nothing that is unlawful, libelous, or which would, if published, constitute a breach of
    contract or of confidence or of commitment given to secrecy.

Author Guidelines


    • The manuscript submitted must be original and must not have been published or submitted for publication in another journal.
    • The maximum number of authors for one article is five authors
    • Manuscripts derived from presentations should clearly indicate their origin in a footnote marked with an asterisk symbol (*). For instance: “This article is developed from a presentation given at the International Conference of Law and Society 2018.” Should the article's title be altered during the review process, the footnote must also include the initial title for reference.

    • The manuscript must be submitted via this Online Journal System.
    • Formatting : Authors must pay attention and adhere to the format requirement as stated below in preparing their manuscripts.
    • Citations must follow the “footnotes system” in accordance with the latest edition of the Chicago Style Manual  which could be found here
    • Manuscript acceptance: Manuscripts will be subjected to double-blinded peer review by at least two independent reviewers who are experts in their field.
    • Submission of revised manuscripts after the review process: The authors are strongly advised to carefully revise the manuscripts in accordance with the comments made by the reviewers. The authors are also required to provide a point-by-point reply for each of the comments made by the reviewers by filling in the Author’s Response to Reviewers Form.
    • Proofs and copyright assignment form: Upon acceptance for publication, the galley proof will be sent to the authors who would then be responsible to carefully review and approve it. A Copyright Transfer Agreement Form will also be sent at this stage. An immediate response to both is required and failure of which may affect publication of the manuscript in a particular issue of the Journal.



    The length of the manuscript: must be between 6000 and 10000 words excluding the title page and abstract.

    The manuscript must be in 11-point font, Times New Roman, single spacing. Any quoted piece that exceeds 25 words should be clearly separated from the main text, indented, single spacing and in 10-point font.

    The footnotes must be in 10-point font with single spacing.

    Arabic quotes e.g. for Qur’ān and ḥadīth must be in Traditional Arabic font 12-point.


    • The title must be effective, reflective of the content, and uses proper academic language.


    • The abstract must not exceed 250 words, indented, single spacing and in 10-point font.  The abstract should be structured and have the following elements: the purpose, methodology, the results, and a conclusion emphasizing new and significance contribution of the study.
    • It is the requirement of the journal that the authors must include an abstract in Bahasa Malaysia as well. For non-Malaysian authors the editors will arrange for a translation.


    The author needs to provide 3-5 keywords that will assist in cross-indexing the article.


    Title                             :  11-points font, upper case, bold, centred.

    First level heading      :  11-point font, upper case, bold, left aligned.

    Second level heading  : 11-point font, lower case, bold, left aligned.

    Third level heading     :  11-point font, lower case, bold, italicized, left aligned.



    IIUM Law Journal uses the ‘footnotes system’ in accordance with the Chicago Manual of style (latest edition) which could be found here. .

    All references cited must be listed in the REFERENCES section, which should be placed on the last page of the manuscript, with author names sorted alphabetically (A to Z). Authors are responsible for ensuring that all cited references (footnotes) appear in the reference list (and vice versa) and that all sources are complete and accurate, in accordance with the latest edition of the Chicago Manual of Style for referencing.

    For authors citing the Qur’ān or ḥadīth, please note the following:

    • Citations towards the Qur’ān should just mention the chapter and verse number:
    • Cite Surah Al-Baqarah verse 30 as: Qur’ān, 2: 30.
    • Cite Surah Al-Baqarah verses 30-32 as: Qur’ān, 2: 30-32.
    • It is not acceptable to only cite the muḥaddith name and ḥadīth number (e.g. just putting “Ibn Mājah, ḥadīth No. 1243”).
    • For references towards hadith, please cite the full reference in the footnote: author, book name, volume, city of publication, publisher, then page or hadith number, as per the Chicago Style.
    • Example: Muḥammad ibn Yazīd ibn Mājah, Sunan ibn Mājah, vol. 4 (Riyadh: Darussalam, 2007), ḥadīth 2842.
    • If the ḥadīth was cited from a website or references other than the ḥadīth books, please cite them accordingly as per the Chicago Style.



1. The book review should be between 1500 to 3000 words, including references (which must adhere to the latest Chicago Manual Style, following the same rules as the normal articles).

2. The reviewed book must have a significant contribution towards the field and relevant towards the current academic discourse, which the reviewer will have to justify.

3. The reviewer must provide complete information regarding the reviewed book: (a) full title of book, (b) full name of author, (c) year of publication, (d) publisher name, (e) amount of page numbers, (f) ISBN number.

4. The book review should not be a mere summary of the book, and not necessarily needs a chapter per chapter review. Rather, the book review should be a critical analysis towards the main premise(s) brought in the book and what it contributes to the field.



Manuscripts which do not adhere to the above formatting guidelines and footnoting system will be returned to the corresponding author without being sent for review.



The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


  1. Starting November Issue 2023, publication fee of RM250 (for Malaysian authors) or USD80 (for overseas authors) is charged on any manuscript accepted for publication, and it must be paid during copyediting stage.
  2. Methods of payment for November Issue 2023 onwards

          The payment can be made to the following bank account:

           Name: UIAM Operating Account

           Bank: Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad

           Account No: 1407-000000-4716

           Branch: International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Gombak, Selangor

           For oversea authors:

           Payment can be made at

  * Authors will be notified about the payment once the manuscript reaches the copyediting stage

       * Authors are advised not make any payment unless notified by the IIUM Law Journal

       * Manuscripts will not be accepted and published unless the payment of publication fee is

          received within the stipulated date.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.