Publication Fee

  1. Starting November Issue 2023, publication fee of RM250.00 (for Malaysian authors) or RM400.00 (for overseas authors) is charged on any manuscript accepted for publication, and it must be paid during copyediting stage.

  2. Methods of payment for November Issue 2023 onwards:

For local authors (Malaysia) paying through local bank transfer, the payment can be made to the following bank account:

Name: UIAM Operating Account

Bank: Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad

Account No: 1407-000000-4716

Branch: International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Gombak, Selangor

For overseas authors:

Payment can be made at  by choosing Publication Fee amounting to RM400.00.

* Authors will be notified about the request for payment once the manuscript reaches the copyediting stage.

 * Authors are advised not to make any payment unless notified by the IIUM Law Journal.

 * Manuscripts will not be accepted and published unless the payment of the publication fee is received within the stipulated date.