Colony carrying capacity, Heterotrigona itama, Meliponiculture, Techno-economic analysis, Vegetation analysisAbstract
Propolis produced by stingless bees has a high economic value in Indonesia. Bukit Sandy is a plantation area in Cimenyan, Bandung which is famous for citrus picking tourism and has the potential to be developed for meliponiculture. Currently, there are stingless bee colonies in Bukit Sandy, but the colonies are not growing well. This research aimed to examine environmental conditions and techno-economic analysis of meliponiculture in Bukit Sandy. This research used descriptive analysis, vegetation analysis, colony carrying capacity analysis, and techno-economic analysis methods. Based on the environmental description, conditions of the environmental in Bukit Sandy are suitable for meliponiculture. Dominant forage vegetation potential for stingless bees in Bukit Sandy are mahogany (tree), pine (pole), lemon (sapling), and paspalum (seedling). The estimated potential for production of honey in Bukit Sandy ranges from 2.25-30.21 kg/month and the carrying capacity of stingless bee colonies in Bukit Sandy is 4-54 colonies. This study proposed several scenarios for techno-economic analysis for cultivation of Heterotrigona itama; i) 4 colonies with raw propolis and honey as products, ii) 4 colonies with propolis extract, honey and propolis residue as products, iii) 4 colonies with raw propolis and honey as products, ii) 54 colonies with propolis extract, honey and propolis residue as products. Based on the techno-economic analysis, meliponiculture in Bukit Sandy is technically feasible and profitable for scenario 2 and 3, while scenario 1 is not profitable. Scenatio 2 is proposed for early stages of meliponiculture in Bukit Sandy and later transformed to scenario 3 for higher profit and benefits to the society
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