
  • Sherly Agustin
  • Angelica Wiliana
  • Angela Justina Kumalaputri
  • Muhammad Yusuf Abduh Institut Teknologi Bandung



Coffee pulp, Cascara Powder, Amylographic Properties, Nutrional Value


Despite being a waste product of the coffee industry, coffee pulp contains a range of valuable nutrients. With the increasing demand for coffee in the current market, the status quo presents an opportunity for its valorization into a food ingredient such as cascara flour. Hence, this study is aimed to analyze the amylographic and nutritive properties of cascara to support its development as a product. Cascara powdering was done with different blender speed (scale 1, 2, and 3) and duration (1, 2, and 3 minutes) variations. It is found that the finer particles are achieved with greater blender speed and longer process duration. The powder within the size range of 0.074-0.149 mm possesses a lower gelatinization temperature and a higher maximum viscosity value than those of 0.149-0.177 mm, while also having a lower swelling power value. The amylose concentration present within the cascara flour is also relatively low (10.23%) compared to the market-available flour, which causes the cascara powder to possess a high gelatinization temperature (85-95 °C), low maximum viscosity (132.5-265 cP), and low swelling power (3.214-7.026 g water/ g starch). The cascara powder is found to follow a dilatant time-independent non-Newtonian fluid characteristic. The nutritional content in cascara powder includes 61.7% carbohydrates, 9.902% protein, 20.95% fiber, and 528 mg of vitamin C per 100 g sample.


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How to Cite

Agustin, S., Wiliana, A., Angela Justina Kumalaputri, & Abduh, M. Y. (2022). PRODUCTION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF CASCARA POWDER FROM COFFEE PULP . Chemical and Natural Resources Engineering Journal (Formally Known As Biological and Natural Resources Engineering Journal), 6(1).