دراسة تحليلية تقابلية للنبر في اللغة العربية واللغة الصينية الماندرين

A contrastive analytical study of stress in Arabic and Mandarin Chinese


  • ASEM ALI أستاذ دكتور




Keywords: Stress, Arabic language, Mandarin language, contrastive analysis


Language sounds are an important characteristic of the human language, and the vocal expression of the language is for human communication with others; therefore, the voices of language have an important role in all languages of the world.The study searches in the characteristics of stress and  in Arabic and Chinese Mandarin, and compares between them by highlighting the similarities and differences between both languages, the research aims to know the stress and  in Arabic language and a statement of similarities and differences between them. The research will follow the descriptive approach and the analytical approach. The result of this study are as follow: The first part of the Arabic language begins only by consonant; the Chinese language begins the syllable  with consonant and ends with a vowel, and there is a difference in the composition of the sounds between the two languages, such as letters (M, N, P, L) It pronounced as the same sounds in Mandarin; there are also common sounds between the two languages ​​such as (آ)   (يِ) (وْ), and  they pronounced as the same sounds in Mandarin; the word for Mandarin is different from Arabic; Only one voice; Mandarin is a lingua franca, and the five are the basic components of Chinese words To date; however, the  in Arabic language are not a part of speech and  cannot used to distinguish the meaning of , we can change the  in places between the vocal sections; that only expresses the position of the speaker and feelings.



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How to Cite

ALI, A. (2023). دراسة تحليلية تقابلية للنبر في اللغة العربية واللغة الصينية الماندرين : A contrastive analytical study of stress in Arabic and Mandarin Chinese. Al-Risalah: Journal of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (ARJIHS), 7(1), 1–38. https://doi.org/10.31436/alrisalah.v7i1.434