نموذج نظري في إعداد وحدة دراسية نموذجية لأغراض مهنية في وظيفة إعلانية لغير الناطقين باللغة العربية


  • ASEM Ali أستاذ دكتور




Keywords: special purposes, advertisements, curriculum concept, theoretical model



Advertising, publicity, or publicity (in English: Advertising and in French: Publicité, which is one of the media activities that are indispensable for economic activities such as industry, trade, services, and other economic activities, as well as for charitable and non-profit organizations and organizations that without announcing their efforts will not receive community support and funding. The material needed to continue its work and fulfill its mission. The advertising industry is not a new art, but rather it is as old as history, advertising began in forms that developed over the centuries until it became the art of advertising as we know it now, and for this situation, this research attempts to answer those questions, problems and difficulties by preparing A model unit suitable for employees or students specialized in the Department of Teaching Arabic for Special Purposes who have a great desire to participate in this field. This research seeks to reveal how to obtain advertising information, indicate the needs of the Arabic language required in the field of advertising, and indicate the criteria for writing good advertisements. The descriptive approach is followed by investigating a model of lessons and units of study in the issue of teaching Arabic for different purposes especially.


Keywords: special purposes, advertisements, curriculum concept, theoretical model


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How to Cite

Ali, A. (2022). نموذج نظري في إعداد وحدة دراسية نموذجية لأغراض مهنية في وظيفة إعلانية لغير الناطقين باللغة العربية. Al-Risalah: Journal of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (ARJIHS), 6(1), 122–141. https://doi.org/10.31436/alrisalah.v6i1.383