The Legality of Decision of Taking Fees upon Recharging Service Issued by the Central Bank of Indonesia in the Light of the Concept of Qabḍ in Islamic Jurisprudence
شرعية قرار أخذ رسوم عند إعادة الشحن الصادر من البنك المركزي الإندونيسي في ضوء مفهوم القبض في الفقه الإسلامي
Legal Possession, Electronic Money, Recharge ServiceAbstract
This research aims to study the validity of the possession of electronic money by default based on the regulations issued by the Central Bank of Indonesia, as well as verifying the compatibility of the Indonesian law related to electronic money with the concept of “qabḍ” (possession) in Islamic jurisprudence. The premise of this is that some people do not see that it is permissible for the issuer to take the fees from the customer in return for the electronic money recharge service. This research relied on the inductive approach in collecting data from available sources, and the analytical approach in studying the represented data and the elements related to the subject. The researchers reached several results, the most prominent of which are: the Islamic jurisprudential adaptation chosen for electronic money is that it is a form of bank money. The jurisprudential adaptation of the ongoing contractual relationship in electronic money differs according to the types of electronic money. In unregistered electronic money, the jurisprudential adaptation of the contractual relationship between the customer and the issuer is the exchange contract. In registered electronic money, the Islamic jurisprudential adaptation of the contractual relationship between the customer and the issuer is the loan contract. One of the types of services that the issuer must provide to the customer when dealing with electronic money is the recharge service. It is possible to conclude that the Islamic jurisprudential adaptation in the relationship between the customer and the issuer when using this service is the lease contract. The “qabḍ” took place in this relationship because the customer is able to use this service, and in return for the “qabḍ” of this service, the customer is obliged to pay the fee to the issuer. Accordingly, the decision issued by the Central Bank of Indonesia regarding the legality of taking fees by the issuer in return for the recharge service for the customer does not contradict the concept of “qabḍ” in Islamic jurisprudence because the “qabḍ” has been achieved, and this requires payment of the fee or compensation in exchange of the received service.
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