The Application of the Zakat System to Reduce the Problem of Poverty in the Afghan Province of Jowzjan and Its Effects

تطبيق نظام الزكاة في الحد من مشكلة الفقر في ولاية جوزجان الأفغانية وبيان الآثار المترتبة على ذلك


  • Hosamuddin Ebady Master Student, Dept. of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh, Abdul Hamid Abu Sulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Muhammad Amanullah Prof., Dept. of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh, Abdul Hamid Abu Sulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia



The Role of Zakāh, Zakāh Fund, the Problem of Poverty, Afghan Province of Jawzjan


This research aims to show the role of Zakāh in alleviating poverty and improving the economy in the Afghan province of Jowzjan. This is because the failure to achieve economic balance and address the differences between the different social groups, eradication of poverty, and the consequent famine, unemployment, delinquency, rebellion, etc. are major problems that threaten societies and countries today, especially Islamic societies one of which is the society of the Afghan province of Jowzjan. Islamic visions and mechanisms to solve the problems of previous societies should be newly reconsidered as they were effective in the past. After reconsidering them, there should be renewed formulations to make them effective for the contemporary new issues. One of the mechanisms used in the past to alleviate poverty is the role of Zakāh. This mechanism should be newly reconsidered and applied in contemporary times to alleviate poverty. Using the inductive and analytical methods and some personal interviews, the research reveals the factors that made Zakāh inactive in many countries of the Islamic world, especially in the Afghan province of Jowzjan, and deals with how to activate Zakāh again in this province.


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How to Cite

Ebady, H., & Amanullah, M. (2022). The Application of the Zakat System to Reduce the Problem of Poverty in the Afghan Province of Jowzjan and Its Effects: تطبيق نظام الزكاة في الحد من مشكلة الفقر في ولاية جوزجان الأفغانية وبيان الآثار المترتبة على ذلك. International Journal of Fiqh and Usul Al-Fiqh Studies, 6(2), 84–106.



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