The Law of Will for Heirs in Malaysia: A Juristic Analytical Study
قانون الوصية للوارث في ماليزيا: دراسة فقهية تحليلية
Law, Will for Heirs, Malaysia, ConsentAbstract
The subject of this research is "The Law of Will for Heirs in Malaysia: A Juristic Analytical Study". The research deals with the presentation of legal articles concerning the will for heirs in Malaysia and the validity of their application in the Malaysian society. The law that applies to the Malaysian Muslims in the cases related to the will for heirs is Muslim Wills Enactment of the States of Selangor (1999), Negeri Sembilan (2004), Malacca (2005), and Kelantan (2009) under the section (26). As for the other states that do not have the Muslim Wills Enactment, they refer to the Administration of Islamic Affairs Enactment under the article (b)(viii), and Shariah Court Civil Procedures’ Enactment, Section 245(2). But the implication of the article (26), no. (2) of Muslim Wills Enactment in the States of Selangor (1999), Negeri Sembilan (2004), Malacca (2005), and Kelantan (2009) indicate that the will for heirs is permissible within the limit of one-third (of the property of the deceased person) without depending on the consent of other heirs, and it is consistent with the opinion of the jurists of Shīʽah Imāmiah and some Zaydiyyah, and contrary to the opinion of the majority of jurists who invalidate the will for heirs except with the consent of other heirs. Thus, to clarify the reality of the subject, the researchers rely on the descriptive approach, analytical approach, and field study, by analysing legal articles and conducting personal interviews to obtain the views of the Malaysian muftīs concerning the will for heirs. One of the important findings of the research is that the will for heirs is permissible within the limit of one-third without depending on the consent of other heirs in four states of Malaysia namely Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Malacca, and Kelantan, based on the discretion and independent reasoning of the judges who consider the needs and benefits of the heirs. This study suggests that the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) should prepare a paper on the will for heirs (for rectifying the related law for the whole of Malaysia), so that the National Fatwa Committee of Malaysia and the Fatwa Committees of the States can discuss the paper, make decisions, and issue the (correct) fatwā concerning the law of will for heirs.
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