Environmental Development and Its Human Pathways in the Holy Quran
التنمية البيئية ومساراتها الإنسانية في القرآن الكريم
Objectives, Urbanization, Public Interest, Development, EnvironmentAbstract
The Maqāsid vision is founded on the ratiocination (at-Taʿlīl), the interest (al-Maṣlaḥah) and the consequence of actions (al-Ma’ālāt); and the jurisprudence of urbanism with the explanation of its related legal rulings is a priority that is important in achieving urbanization and showing its impact and its role in developing the environment in the light of the purposes of Sharī‘ah, which depends on the human being with its creative abilities and capabilities, hence there comes the importance of this paper. For the research problem: The paper answers a set of questions, most notably: What is the meaning of jurisprudence of urbanism? What is its role in environmental development? What are the foundations of urbanism and what are its human pathways in the Noble Qur’an? How do the purposes of Shariah draw a legislative structure that serves both people and structures? And on the research methodology: the researcher has followed the inductive (partial) analytical descriptive approach. This research consists of an introduction, a preface, two subtopics, a conclusion, and a list of the most prominent sources and references, which as follows: the introduction: on the importance of the topic, the reason for its choice, literature reviews, the research problem, its methodology and the proposed plan. The first subtopic of the research is for the terminology’s definitions, and the second subtopic is about environmental development and its relationship with human beings, while the third one concerns the foundations of development in the light of the Holy Quran.
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