Submission guidelines


IIUM Medical Journal Malaysia (IMJM) is the official journal of the Kulliyyah (Faculty) of Medicine, International Islamic University Malaysia. It serves primarily as a forum for education and intellectual discourse for health professionals namely in clinical medicine but covers the diverse issues relating to medical ethics, professionalism as well as medical developments and research in basic medical sciences. It also serves the unique purpose of highlighting issues and research of the Muslim world. Contributions to the IMJM reflect its international and multidisciplinary readership and include current thinking across a range of specialties, ethnicities, and societies.

Manuscripts should address the specific theme of the supplementary issue concerning:

  1. Clinical research in various medical specialties
  2. Basic science research in medicine
  3. Public health and health policy research


The requestor needs to write to the chief editor and fulfill their intention. They need to prepare the manuscript accordingly and pay the fees. The final decision to publish the issues will be decided by the IMJM editorial team.

The requestor must complete the following according to the IMJM Guidelines as below before the final decision to publish can be made:

  1. Submit a request form and related documents
  2. Pay the 30% deposit
  3. Submit the CAF Form
  4. Check submission
  5. Plagiarism must be less than 30% of similarity index
  6. Conduct peer reviewer
  7. Ensure all final articles are edited and proof-read accordingly


Original Articles

This supplementary issue must consists of full original articles only. A maximum of 15 articles are allowed for each issue. Please refer to IMJM guidelines for further details of the article.


Abstract and Keywords

The abstract should be structured and not exceed 250 words. The structured abstracts should have the following headings:

  1. Introduction (the text must be brief and relate to the purpose of the study)
  2. Materials and Methods (selection of study subjects or experimental animals, observational and analytical methods)
  3. Results (provide specific data with their statistical significance, when it is available)
  4. Conclusion (must be succinct whilst emphasizing new and important aspects of the study)


Provide a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of five (5) keywords or short phrases that will assist in cross-indexing the article using appropriate terms from MeSH. 


This section should consist of an Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. The number of word count should not be more than 3000 words excluding abstracts, figures, tables, acknowledgment, and references.

Figures and Tables must be a maximum of 4. Label for tables should be in Roman numerals (e.g. I, II, III) and label for Figures in standard numbering (e.g. Figure 1, Figure 2)

All submissions must use a 12-point font Calibri (Body), double-spaced throughout


State briefly the purpose, and rationale for the study or observation. Avoid a review of the subject by confining it to only relevant information and references. Do not include data or conclusions from the work being cited.

Materials and Methods

Provide a detailed description of the selected observational or experimental subjects, including controls. Specify the methods, equipment (with the manufacturer’s name and address in parentheses), and procedures enough for replication. Cite references for established methods, and for less common methods, include full references. For new or adapted methods, explain and justify their use, and discuss their limitations. List all chemicals and drugs with their generic names, manufacturers, and locations in parentheses. Include precise dosage and administration routes. Use the International System of Units (SI) and avoid footnotes.


Provide a concise and precise description of the experimental results, their interpretation as well as the experimental conclusions that can be drawn. The Results section should include all primary and secondary outcome measures analyzed. The section may be divided into subsections, each with a concise subheading. Tables and figures central to the study should be included in the main paper. The Results section should be written in the past tense.

Discussion and Conclusion

Highlight the new and significant findings of the study without reiterating details from the Introduction or Results sections. Compare and contrast the findings with previous research, citing relevant references. Explore the implications and limitations of the results. Relate conclusions to the study's objectives, ensuring all statements are supported by the data. Avoid making unverified claims or referring to incomplete work. Propose new hypotheses if applicable. Address how the findings could influence future research and provide recommendations if relevant. Conclude with a summary paragraph.


The correct referencing formatting for IMJM guidelines are given below:

  • Maximum of 50 references for original
  • Please use the Vancouver style for referencing. Number references consecutively in the order they are first cited in the text, using superscript numbering. It is the author's responsibility to ensure the accuracy and completeness of all references. Follow the examples provided for proper formatting:

Revise your annotation format (Superscript, after a full stop) . Kindly use the Vancouver reference style.


These risks are higher in those with co-morbidities such as diabetes mellitus, chronic lung disease, renal disease, and heart disease.[2]

Change to:

These risks are higher in those with co-morbidities such as diabetes mellitus, chronic lung disease, renal disease and heart disease.