Development and Validation of an Educational Module on Intimate Partner Violence for Young Adults
intimate partner violence, educational module, content validity, face validityAbstract
INTRODUCTION: Intimate partner violence may occur among young adults. It is influenced by their perceptions and attitudes concerning this violence. This study aims to develop and validate an educational module on intimate partner violence among young adults in Kelantan, Malaysia. MATERIALS AND METHOD: The study was conducted in three phases consisting of needs assessment, development of the educational module, and content and face validation. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with 10 young adults to identify the needs for this module. The module content was based on several guidelines, relevant literatures, and findings from needs assessment. Content validation was done by six experts and content validity index was calculated. Face validation was evaluated by 30 young adults. The percentage of agreement was calculated for each item. RESULT: The educational module contains five units covering the forms, causes, impacts, and supports in preventing intimate partner violence as well as rejecting it and willingness to disclose. The content validity was good, rated as relevant by all the experts. The percentages of participants in face validation who strongly agreed with the items assessed for all the materials ranged between 70% to 93.3%. Additional comments given by the participants were considered and the module was modified accordingly. CONCLUSION: The module has good content and face validity. It can be used to improve perceptions and attitudes toward intimate partner violence among young adults.
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