Anticoagulant Activity in Medicinal Plants: A Systematic and Bibliometric Review Over 10 Years (2011-2021)
Medicinal plants, anticoagulant activity, coagulation, plasma, thrombin timeAbstract
Anticoagulants are helpful as treatment for coagulation disorders. Medicinal plants have been demonstrated to be part of history as a traditional treatment for this disorder, and these plants have anticoagulant properties. Hence, the goal of this study is to review the available publications on anticoagulant activity in medicinal plants from the year 2011 until 2021 using Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines and bibliometric analysis. This review was performed based on the PRISMA guidelines and VOSviewer as a bibliometric analysis tool, using three search databases which were PubMed, MyMedR, and ScienceDirect. The findings of this study revealed that 27 articles met the inclusion criteria and focused on anticoagulant activity in medicinal plants. In each study, anticoagulant properties in medicinal plants were addressed. Meanwhile, the results of the bibliometric analysis demonstrated that China has the most publication for anticoagulant activity in medicinal plants and had the most
collaboration among institutes in their country. For the most used keywords used by the author, the word "anticoagulant activity" came on top of the results. To conclude, this study can contribute to the field of study as it helps combine the data related to anticoagulant activities in medicinal plants.
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