Proposed Smart E-Government Application Design toward Achieving Operational Excellent in Government


  • Almahdy Alhaj Saleh International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Imad Fakhri Taha Alyaseen International Islamic University Malaysia



E-governance, Cloud Computing, government service


A large number of poor nations throughout the world are benefiting from the e-government revolutions in order to deliver fast and fundamental items and solutions to their citizens. Because of the present development of mobile smart gadgets. However, public agencies face several challenges in integrating electronic government services into their infrastructure in order to improve current goods and services or build new ones. This major challenge is none the less reflected by the huge volume of data generated by various capable devices, as their administration is hampered by the facilities required for effective data transit as well as treatment. As a result, cloud computing services, as well as cloud technology, which extends cloud computing computational power to edge networks, are critical in addressing those issues. As a result, this paper aims to illustrate and concentrate on all these variables, so it presents an outline of a hybrid approach for adopting edge and cloud computing with in the domain of e-government to handle as well as solving e-government enforcement’s important problems. In term of arranging governmental services and goods among data centres, this model is used to identify two separate patterns: edge and cloud, and smart sensors constructed with low-power CPUs provide a very effective solution. The suggested model can figure out how an object interacts with each network and what their connection could be Eventually, a variety of recommended technological distinct elements and their approaches for developing edge and cloud computing is offered, ensuring also that selected answers were executed. A total of 600 questionnaires were delivered to Syrian individuals as part of a survey. AMOS version 21.0 was used to analyse the data using the structural equation model (SEM)


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How to Cite

Alhaj Saleh, A., & Taha Alyaseen, I. F. . (2023). Proposed Smart E-Government Application Design toward Achieving Operational Excellent in Government . International Journal on Perceptive and Cognitive Computing, 9(1), 50–55.