E-Governance System Key Successful Implementation Factors
E-governance framework system, Syrian citizens, Structural equation modelAbstract
The usage of innovative communication technology and new computer systems increases the value of the E-governance for the provision of services to remote citizens. Such development provides the government and its organization an option to address the challenges connected with conventional delivery approaches. Within this consideration, the approval of the E-governance is deemed crucial in deciding the effectiveness of its application. The primary objectives of this research are therefore to define the reasons that contribute to the recognition of citizens in Syria by the e-governance system in order to suggest a model of technical acceptance of the e-governance system by citizens in Syria. Questionnaires were distributed through a survey to citizens of Syria. As partially of the structural equation model, (AMOS and SPSS) version 21.0 used to examine the collection data. As a consequence, on the basis of these results, a final study framework is suggested to clarify and forecast Syrian citizens’ decision to use the E-governance framework.
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