Unveiling Historical Trajectory and Civilisational Evolution: A Comparative Examination through the Lenses of Ibn Khaldun and Oswald Spengler


  • zhilwan Tahir IIUM
  • Nori




Ibn Khaldun, Oswald Spengler, civilisation, history, aṣabiyyah, culture


Abstract: This research article examines the comparative perspectives of Ibn Khaldun and Oswald Spengler regarding the progression of history and the advancement of civilisations. This article aims to argue that Ibn Khaldun and Oswald Spengler shared a similar perspective on the progression and decline of nations and civilisations. At the same time, they had different perspectives as they lived in distinct historical periods. The study posits that their perspectives on history, society and civilisation are characterised by a reduced level of subjectivity and a greater emphasis on rationality. The analysis reveals that despite their shared cyclical historical patterns, there exist notable disparities on the mechanisms behind the growth of civilisations and the conceptualisation of civilisation’s lifespan. The interpretations and definitions of history and civilisation put forward by Ibn Khaldun and Oswald Spengler have had a profound impact on the field of human sciences, fostering notable advancements. To attain a high level of accuracy, this study uses qualitative research techniques as a means to accomplish its aims. Ibn Khaldun and Oswald Spengler possessed a comprehensive perspective of culture and history and the processes through which history unfolds. When discussing history, individuals tend to adopt a particular perspective and contemplate on the various facets of the subject matter. A comprehensive examination is warranted to enhance comprehension of their theoretical framework and grasp of the aforementioned topic..


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How to Cite

Tahir, zhilwan, & Nuri , A. J. N. . (2024). Unveiling Historical Trajectory and Civilisational Evolution: A Comparative Examination through the Lenses of Ibn Khaldun and Oswald Spengler. IIUM Journal of Religion and Civilisational Studies, 6(2), 184–212. https://doi.org/10.31436/ijrcs.v6i2.300